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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You keep mentioning it so I just have to ask….What exactly do you think creationism is?
  2. This isn’t college where students are debating things on a much deeper level having had some life experience and a foundation in the years before. You do realize that there’s only so much time in a K12 school day…right? With the explosion of ‘information’ in the 21st Century you couldn’t even scratch the surface on many of them…”ideological” discussions are beyond the brain development of younger kids. In your world….Would you like a week on witchcraft?
  3. I’m fairly confident that Joe Biden lost every time he played.
  4. The vast majority of Americans couldn’t find Ukraine on a map…even with labels!! They wouldn’t know that this large land mass nation would instantly be the most eastern NATO country…and completely obliterate any buffer zone between NATO and Russia. If you were playing Risk you too would be massing your armies on the border. Why is this complicated?
  5. It would be interesting to see a poll on here of whether or not Russia is going to invade. I actually don't think they will. Putin is trying to show that Russia doesn't want a NATO country right on their doorstep, which would open that door to a NATO build up of weapons on the Russian border, just like the build up we don't like on the Russian side of the Ukrainian border. Is that such an unreasonable position for Russia to take? This is not about democracy or the other crap being batted around on here.
  6. I’m not sure why this issue is so confusing for you….but it clearly is.
  7. The stories have yet to be completely written. With the Chiefs losing Sunday on a Mahomes interception, his resume is changing in real time. Now, he's hosted multiple home AFC Championship games but has led them to 'only' one Super Bowl victory. And in that game the Chiefs were losing until the last three minutes of the game. Last year he gets pummeled by Tampa. And this year doesn't make the big game. Let's see what happens next year....but the years begin to pile up.
  8. Tom Brady....nope...doesn't ring a bell.
  9. Does anyone know if he would've called HEADS?
  10. Everyone knows that the ONLY accepted means of undermining democracy are: Making up entirely false stories about duly elected officials and then impeaching them for it Burning down federal buildings Violently attacking the White House and uniformed Law Enforcement Changing election laws without the consent of the Legislature Looting your local Best Buy, Wendy's and Liquor Store If you can't do any of the list above then you have no-standing!
  11. Fair enough....but as the owner of a corporation I can tell you I have very few choices of what I can do with the Profits at the end of the year. First, I can declare those profits and then pay taxes on them at the lower corporate rate. Second, I can distribute those taxes to the Owners/Shareholders (me) and then pay the higher individual tax rate. Finally, the IRS will allow me to reserve/suppress those profits until next year by not 'recognizing' them this year in order to wait and see if they'll be spent next year. So....most years the profits are split between Option 2 and 3 above, but ultimately the taxes are paid at the HIGHER individual rate. There isn't any place else to put them! All the bloviating about corporate tax rates is uninformed nonsense from people who don't own corporations.
  12. Can we PLEASE get on with Fundamentally Transforming America and save all this calling everyone racist for after the new utopian woke society is installed? After all, massive redistribution is gonna to take a lot more time and energy than most people think. We only have eight or nine years left to move all this money around before the planet melts. 👍
  13. Niagara? In what way are you a Catholic if you refuse to listen to the Pope? Don’t look now but I believe you’re an Episcopalian.
  14. Should be 70 degrees and sunny here today. How much better does the weather have to get? 😉
  15. I’m just hoping yesterday blew a huge hole in the Chiefs mystique. If you remember they won their one Super Bowl two years ago when they were losing to SF the entire game up until the final minute. Then they got blown out last year by Tampa, and now they missed out altogether. If they can get knocked out of home field advantage next year the narrative will have to be rewritten.
  16. Honestly? Not excited and I live in Southern California. I was very excited to see KC lose but now that it’s the next day the Bengals-Rams matchup sort of reminds me of the Ravens-Giants from a few years back…yawn. I’ll just hope for a great game. PS: The Bills streak of four straight Super Bowl appearances is safe until at least 2025 now!
  17. That’s one completely forgettable QB Class. Good thing we’re not in the market.
  18. Thanks. I come here to have reasonable and reasoned discussions with people about political subjects other than Bills football. Unfortunately, so many posters on here are so tribal that they can't see past the partisan nonsense. There is no reason for us to be doing anything in Ukraine right now, other than having some really serious discussions with the Ukrainians. And...I'm just not technically sharp enough to find and paste really childish memes! 😉
  19. Thanks...I figured that was your decider. I'm not actually lobbying for London or any WR for that matter. I actually believe the Bills have more pressing needs up the middle of the field where most games are won and lost (OG, C, MLB, NT). I find it hard to believe that Beane couldn't pluck a WR in free agency who would love to break out by coming and playing with Josh Allen.
  20. Gunner I’m curious why you took the kid from Alabama over WR Drake London from USC who was literally unstoppable before going down with an injury. You have London going ten minutes later.
  21. Seems to me the OP can do every one of the things on his list today. He’s going to look a bit odd doing them, but he can still do them. Knock yourself out!
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