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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Well that school district was apparently wrong then. Creationism wasn’t taught from a religious point of view when I was in school. But, I also don’t agree with the inference that you’re leaping to. Teaching that there may be a creator is not against the law or in conflict with the Constitution. In fact the Constitution mentions a Creator as from where we get our human rights. This is NOT a separation of Church and State issue.
  2. Yes we do mind. The more and the longer we can distract BillStime from posting everything he's seen on Twitter...the better. 😉
  3. I've got an even better idea than spending my tax dollars on your list of 'diversions'....why not just give it back to me? Just say "Hey, we didn't start a war with anyone this year, so we're sending you a refund!" Now THAT would be nice.
  4. Let me try this another way. Creationist theory is not taught from a religious perspective. At least it wasn't when I was in public school. I even did a science fair project about it. It's really a simple science-based discussion about "Where did everything come from?" Before the beginning something must have started it. Keep your shirt on. God isn't going to smite you for asking good questions. This line of instruction doesn't pit people of faith against pagans. It's science class!
  5. Honest question: Wouldn't it be better for everyone if the US just told the Ukraine that we don't think it's a good idea for them to join NATO?
  6. So now the problem is we can't have a say in what teachers are teaching America's kids because there's a teacher shortage? I guess we should allow teachers to give instruction in pornography and witchcraft then. We've officially entered Bizarro World. Question: Why has ANY of this even come up recently? Answer: Because after over a year of kitchen table Zoom instruction parents got to see what's been passing for an education in their kids schools...and the customers are pissed off!
  7. Andy, you know I'm just having fun with you, right? But for what it's worth...I actually don't like Edmunds against the run way more than I don't like him in coverage.
  8. Fantastic....so you're saying that our MLB sucks in pass coverage AND run stuffing. Wonderful.
  9. Somebody look at the overtime coin! I'll bet everything I have that it was two tailed coin! We never had a chance.
  10. Oh I see. A few minutes ago creation was all about Christianity and now …it’s not. Care to move the goal posts any further?
  11. Tibs i actually don’t have a problem with what Biden’s trying to do. Unfortunately though I don’t think he has the street cred to pull it off. We’re all going to see.
  12. You are really misinformed. The concepts of creation and abstinence are NOT uniquely linked to Christianity. Put you godless paganism back in its holster.
  13. Isn’t it interesting how he throws out a veiled slur (disability). The classic new age liberal. When your argument falls apart…start calling people names. Nice!
  14. The term religion is tossed around a bit too loosely. You inserted creationism. You can teach the concept of the Big Bang (spontaneous combustion) without talking about God. You can also teach abstinence without talking about God. Not sure where or when you went to school but both were discussed in WNY schools back in my day and God wasn’t mentioned ONCE!
  15. He’s hung up on the religious thing. It’s the go to of the classic godless liberal. You’re getting nowhere.
  16. Commando? Interesting choice for sure. It ought to make for some great crowd shots! 👍
  17. Niagara…the purpose of life is not simply the avoidance of death. (Did I just blow your mind?) 😉
  18. Abstinence is religious based? 😂😂😂 You seem to want to equate everything to religion. What’s next? The concept of good and evil? Let’s toss that while we’re at it. This conversation has become absurd.
  19. Please re-read my post. I think you missed the critical point. The theory doesn’t promote a specific religion. What scares you about the concept that the universe was ‘created’? Even evolutionists don’t know what started it all.
  20. What? Creationism is relative to the general field of science! Creationism does not teach a specific religion, if that’s where you’re going. You’re hung up on the God thing. CRT is not in any way comparable. The shark has officially been jumped!
  21. Thanks! It’s so rare that anyone answers a question on here, so I appreciate it. And the very mention of creation theory bothers you? Scientists have been debating this for centuries! For example…are you aware that with all your non-creation based science they still have ZERO idea where all the water on earth came from?
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