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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Have you ever seen the list of how many key democrats are married or related to people in the media? I’m not saying it’s right or wrong but it’s certainly not a one sided ‘problem’. It’s a tight knit circle inside the beltway.
  2. One more time…the democratic candidate paid for a phony hit piece story and then sitting back in silence, watched while it was used to ACTUALLY try and overturn the results of an election. Let that sink in for a second.
  3. You’re right of course. The civilized way to protest the election is to set up a phony story so you can spy on the White House and then use it as a pretense to remove your opponent from office via impeachment. Silly me!
  4. Anyone see this morning where Biden while standing on foreign soil answered a German reporter claiming to world audience that police officers died on January 6th? Impeach his ass!
  5. So let me get this straight. If you honestly thought the election results weren’t accurate, it’s your opinion that the ‘losing’ candidate should just say ‘oh well’ and walk away? That’s what you honestly think? Honestly?
  6. My god people! Doesn’t anyone see how utterly racist it is to single out Justice Thomas in this matter? What is wrong with you?
  7. Read my post above. ALL of these people are lawyers…including the Senators and many on their staff. This is what it looks like when lawyers question lawyers. It is NOT about the question!!! It is all carefully constructed to see how she thinks on her feet and how she constructs her answers. I haven’t seen much of this but from what I’ve seen I’m not sure she’s up to the task.
  8. That’s not the point. Virtually everyone in these hearings is a lawyer. The senators and the candidate! They are practicing their craft and seeing/testing how the candidate formulates his/her responses. This is mental gymnastics to see how her mind will break down FUTURE cases. Don’t focus on the question itself. Your homework is to watch The Paper Chase this evening. Great movie from the 1970s. “You’ll enter the class with a mindful of mush and leave thinking like a lawyer.”
  9. You’re welcome. I’ve always loved sarcasm and hope that the majority of my posts are understood that way. The utter abandonment of humor by the American Left is one of the saddest societal shifts we’ve seen in the past decade or so. Who’d ever want to live in the scorched earth world they’re creating around themselves? Not me…that’s for sure!
  10. Guys I'm just happy the guttural name calling has stopped for a bit…and hoping my polite suggestions had something to with it. This board could really use to tone it down.
  11. This one caught my attention: Hard to believe the QB of Notre Dame would be drafted below a Punter from San Diego State. What’s next? Dogs and cats living together? 😉
  12. What’s all this about? I thought the President said we all needed to sacrifice for the war effort. Is the war over? Or is this one more thing to toss on the transient inflation pile?
  13. Just as I predicted …the USA passed the 1,000,000 Covid death milestone yesterday. Let’s see if the media even mentions it now that Joe’s in charge.
  14. Agree! This is a job interview in which you’re guaranteed to be hired and you STILL dodge the question. She definitely does not have the wisdom that’s required of a Justice. I’ll go as far as to say she’s not going their to judge, but to advocate/legislate. Everyone on this message board room could answer that one better than she did. Next!
  15. So you agree that the Ukrainian people would still be going about their normal lives if Trump was still in office. Me too!
  16. It’s his fault for losing…obviously. Stupid Trump. 😂
  17. Can we all just agree it’s Trump’s fault? That normally brings everyone together. 😉
  18. Agenda? What you call an agenda is just another persons court case. It’s all how you look at it.
  19. Once again…huh? Yes that’s what the debates about. 🙄
  20. Huh? Again, you can’t be serious. Are you even paying the slightest bit of attention at all?
  21. You can’t be serious. The debate is not about support for Putin…and you know it Tibs. The debate is about what the US should do about it. And again….you know it.
  22. Yes and no. I do a lot of work with public school districts. Superintendents will ALL tell you that they only need to be able to count to three. That’s the number of board member votes they need on every agenda item with a five member Board. Remember, the senators are doing their job in speaking for their constituents. They’re fully aware of how many votes are needed.
  23. Baby steps. You have to coax a kitten to a bowl of milk lest you scare them off.
  24. Ya see? You can do it! An entire post where you didn’t call anyone a derogatory name. Nice job! 👍
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