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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Owning an NFL Team is not ‘one of the most lucrative businesses in the history of business’. In fact I’m not sure if a single owner makes the majority of their money from owning a team. They make their real money in another market. ( I could be wrong.) Is it an investment? Yes it is. But it’s a long term play, not a short term flip.
  2. Ugh! And how do you substantiate your claims without due process? And…not that you care…but the initial claim (which still stands today) is that election laws were illegally changed without legislative approval.
  3. The Pegula Family doesn’t owe you a new stadium. They just recently spent $1.5 BILLION so you’d have a team to root for that starts with the word “Buffalo”.
  4. You’d done pretty well for the last day or so…but now back to name calling. I liked yesterday’s BillStime way way better. You can do it! 👍
  5. Go to Leonards bakery for the fresh malasadas in the morning. Yum!
  6. It’s a great excursion. You don’t generally need a car in Waikiki so my recommendation is rent one by the day as opposed to for the entire week and avoid paying to park it every night. You might want to explore HUI car. You use the car by the hour.
  7. Gunning for? You’re adopting the words of some internet author? You tell me. It all depends on the issue you’re referring to. For example, in something like marriage and sports it gets really complicated. Equity means everyone gets to play a sport. Equality implies they have to play in the same game.
  8. With all the hyphenated player names I’d have bet everything this thread was about some little known prospect. Apparently…not.
  9. Let’s just pick him in the First and get it over with! 😉
  10. Everyone’s goal should be equity…not equality. There’s a difference.
  11. Unbelievable! Not even a national moment of silence. You cannot tell me this was anything more than political opportunism.
  12. We stay at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Waikiki is very upscale now. All of the old Knick Knack shops are gone. Have Fun!
  13. I find it utterly fascinating that somebody called Deleted Account gives a thumbs down to people being on vacation and/or Covid restrictions ending. To quote the Wicked Witch….what a world, what a world.
  14. Yep. Returning today. Things are pretty much fully open over here again. Still masked in most shops, but that’s ending soon as well. Mahalo
  15. Seeing as how it’s raining on Waikiki Beach right now….I’ve got time for coffee if everyone wants to make the trip. 🤙
  16. All kidding aside…it’d be hilarious to get everyone on here to meet at a bar some time. I’m guessing it’d actually be a blast! Go Bills
  17. Anyone ever play the game of Risk? This whole thing reminds me of when you try and take a little country and keep losing the dice roll time after time until you’ve expended all the armies you’d amassed on the border. You slink back to where you started and regroup.
  18. Thank goodness. I thought for a second there I had read the wrong chapter before the test. 😉
  19. Yes they did….before Trump personally got involved in the issue…and then they stopped. Thanks though.
  20. Tibs….I’m not sure where you’re going with any of this but I respect your heartfelt desire to go there.
  21. I’m not at all sure what that means.
  22. So if I understand you correctly this mad man doesn’t know that the President of the United States just went to Europe to rally the world around crushing his army in Ukraine and his economy at home? Did the sanctions cut off his cable subscription?
  23. I’d lay low on these stories. Under four years of Trump we had peace on the world stage. And now we have rockets being launched in Asia, an embarrassing surrender in the Middle East, and a quasi-European nation being bombarded into dust. There are things to criticize Trump about for sure…but this definitely isn’t one of them.
  24. Maybe, maybe not…I’m just saying that most people (including you and me) don’t realize the ‘information’ they swear that they know is getting severely filtered through a sieve of deeply partisan voices.
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