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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’m dying to know if you’re an employer or an employee?
  2. Likewise…both are good, but purest in me says celery.
  3. Bingo! History will show that telling people to stay inside was the WORST advice possible.
  4. Anyone on here prefer ranch or blue cheese? Just asking.
  5. You nailed it. Much better said than I could have. The only place we differ is you want to classify her as ‘dumb’. I believe she’s far from it. There’s nobody alive that doesn’t know about Hitler and his dream of a dominant Arian RACE. She’s a flat out racist if she wants to downplay the racial ‘root causes’ of the holocaust. What she said was completely intentional.
  6. It’s neither complicated nor a secret. American blacks have had a longstanding distain for Jews…..I’m honestly not sure why. She’s clearly in that camp.
  7. No argument there but continuing to ignore other roster spots while you’re searching for a pass rusher is not a good strategy. The Lions did it for years as they went in search of a stud WR. The Raiders classically did the same opting for pure speed over football skills. It didn’t work out for either. You build your roster up the middle of the field on both sides of the ball. The Bills have significant work to do at OG, C, DT, MLB, and possibly RB. I’d prefer it if they concentrated there. If they don’t, the piper is going to eventually need to get paid.
  8. A coming misconception by those of us who lean conservative. She’s not as dumb as you think. She knew exactly what she was saying. She made the mistake of saying it loud.
  9. Over the last two years the Bills have drafted three guys in the first round to get after the QB.
  10. I'll never cease to be amazed at how much work they make for themselves with the way NFL contracts are structured. Seems to me they should be shaped more like a traditional bell curve, where they gradually go up and then gradually go back down. The player wouldn't feel like the Team doesn't love them anymore, and the Team wouldn't have these awkward moments where they have to give their one-prized free agent an ultimatum. I'm sure they know what they're doing but from the outside it looks like working harder, rather than smarter.
  11. I'm sure that's exactly what Beane's going to say, but I'm also pretty sure Williams agent is going to reply...."So says you, because you then went and drafted a RT....maybe I wouldn't be being asked to take a pay cut had you drafted a RG". 😉
  12. I would love to be a fly on the wall when they bring Williams in to talk about a pay cut. I'd imagine he's going to be thinking..."Aren't you the same guys, and isn't this the same room where we negotiated a big pay RAISE less than a year ago?"
  13. Thanks, I've never been cancelled, so I'm kinda looking forward to it. I'm willing to enter into lively debate as much as the next guy but this forum has become utterly over-the-top legalistic at times. It's filled with people that are all too willing to go to the death over the dumbest of stuff. Whoopi knew exactly what she was saying. It was not a casual slip of the tongue and in-artful phrasing. You cannot tell me that she doesn't know Hitler wanted to exterminate an entire race of people? Of course she does! But it isn't her race, so she doesn't care. She cannot stand the fact that there were times when there were FAR bigger 'victims' than whatever has her first-world pampered woke hair on fire in 2022.
  14. "As I said, I'm not the producer of the show. It should be unacceptable to the producers! " That looks and sounds pretty clear to me!
  15. Chef....I ALREADY said that my comments were based on what I would do if I was the producer of the show. I'm done here. Have a good rest of the day. This place has become utterly exhausting.
  16. Why is this confusing to you? As I said, I'm not the producer of the show. It should be unacceptable to the producers! Is that clear? Or are you just in the mood to argue about the obvious today?
  17. 59 pages of opinions that I don't have time to read so I'll give you my take as a professional that routinely has to interview for new contracts. Public sector institutions (cities, school districts, counties) are required use a 'qualifications based selection' process also known as QBS when hiring professional consultants. They cannot base their selection solely on price as they might when requesting construction bids, and they have to show that they used a 'process' to make their selection, lest they be accused of hiring their 'qualified' cousin for each new project. Quite often they simply go through the motions. Everyone knows it. I have been the recipient of contract awards, and the 'victim' of rejections too many times to count. The NFL has tried to insert QBS into their private sector hiring practices. Is someone occasionally going to get interviewed even though the Team already knows who they want? Of course they are. Could the interview sometimes change the Team's mind? Maybe...but probably very infrequently. There is literally nothing to see here! I am not sure what Mr Flores thought was going on here, but he is obviously very naïve.
  18. My conservatism is not slipping. It is simply not acceptable to make blatantly racist comments on a television show...period. We still have to have some standards of behavior in a civilized country. And, if you don't think that a regular host on a show doesn't sit through countless hours of training on such things, you are delusional.
  19. Please tell that to the Mayor of LA, who when asked today why he was unmasked at the NFC Championship responded to the press by saying he 'purposely held his breath' every time he took it off for a photo!🤣
  20. Chef....I'm not the producer of The View. I'm only saying what I would do if I was. And as to the idea that the show is 90% opinion based, then in a country of 330 million people, they should be able to find a replacement pretty darn fast. With a microphone, comes responsibility.
  21. She knew exactly what she was saying, as she repeated it a few times even with people staring right at her. I’m really not big on canceling people, but she should be off that show immediately and permanently. We ALL now know how she really feels, and yes black people can be blatant racists too! It’s not an exclusive title reserved only for white folk.
  22. Sounds to me like Billsy prefers it when people to take ‘democracy’ into their own hands. Oh wait….
  23. All I have to say is they have some horrible looking houses over there. This one looks just like the one Osama was hiding out in. We need to send them some paint!
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