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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Seven pages about whether a QB unfollowed a social media site? What would Johnny Unitas think about this? Ugh!
  2. Jumping back in here to say….please no!
  3. We can always count on Billsy to drag out a thread from FOUR YEARS AGO just to start yet another hate conversation. Well done…keep on uniting!
  4. Would you like to compare tax bills? I’ll put my fair share up against anyone.
  5. meknows you’re a total loser…and I’m still …yep…winning!
  6. For people who claim to believe they’re going to DIE from unmasked exposure to kids…these folks sure seem to take a ton of risks. 🙄
  7. All that’s left to do now is put the dog on the roof of the car and then see if he remembers any of these girls from a junior high school party.
  8. Science is a process not a product. Thus, the Scientific Method we all learned about in school. Unfortunately Dr F and others have tried to make Science into a product, so that it can be used to bludgeon dissent. Reminds me of the Holy Grail….”Throw her into the pond!”
  9. I’m thinking it’d be different from retiring. Covid is clearly a special circumstance.
  10. Covid throws an interesting wrinkle into things. I would think the Bills could approach the League Office and say that Star no longer wants to play, due to Covid. They’d have to honor a private negotiation with Star and his agent but the contract would come off the Cap books. Wouldn’t it be the same if a player contracted cancer? I’m not sure what they do in that situation.
  11. What once was a horrific slur to call someone has become completely watered down by the Left’s overuse of the term. It’s really sad.
  12. Honest question: We’re two full years into the pandemic. Are Florida kids masked in school? What about Texas?
  13. Why is this in any way hard to understand? The teachers have been exposed. Covid allowed parents a firsthand look into their kid’s classrooms and the paying customers didn’t like what they saw. Everyone should’ve seen this coming.
  14. The draft is a crap shoot for many reasons. The problems come in when the Team falls in love with under performers and extends rookie contracts out of loyalty or pride.
  15. I’m going to trust Beane on this one. With his franchise QB locked in, Beane’s going to earn his GM money for sure over the next few years.
  16. Everyone knows a vaccinated person who’s recently gotten Covid. Everyone! The Emperor is officially NAKED!
  17. For goodness sake… ‘Creationism’ is in no way equal to CRT…No matter how many times the Leftists want to suggest that it is. Something started the Universe! It was in a word…created.
  18. This is going to be way more important to me once I finally spring for a color television.
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