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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. No….Biden should LEAD FROM IN FRONT!!! We hold the purse strings in NATO. Just make a phone call and tell Ukraine you’re not joining the club. Call it the ‘perfect phone call’ and let’s get back to the business of fundamentally transforming America dammit!
  2. Is there any topic that BillSy doesn’t connect to Trump?
  3. Thanks for your concern. I sleep just fine. It’s amazing how putting in a hard day’s work will do that to you. Sitting on your grandmother’s sofa produces a completely different result.
  4. I think like most things it’s a messaging problem. Quality Coach…really? Other than winning is there another version of quality they’re striving for? Did the other players and coaches not know they were striving for winning…as a ‘quality’? 😂😂
  5. So let me see if I understand you. You believe a disabled person can be a complete and utter ass; and nobody can call them to task on it? It seems to me that even if the President was indeed mocking him, that doing an impression is actually a sign of respect…not the diminishment you perceive it to be.
  6. Yes, it’s very important that we have a military that ‘looks like America’. I’m sure that’ll be of some solace to the enemy when our armor piercing ammunition shatters their helmets. Anyone see My Cousin Vinny? I love the scene where she asks if you think the deer gives a crap what kind of pants the hunter’s wearing when it’s little deer skull is blown to pieces. 👍
  7. Speaking as an architect, the answer is they’re about the same cost structurally. The dome has other costs in addition to the roof itself. Once you’re fully enclosed you also have heating and cooling costs to consider. In short…it’s an equation with lots and lots of variables.
  8. Seeing as how this thread was started almost THREE MONTHS AGO this has to go down as the slowest sneak attack in the history of armed conflict.
  9. I like the fact a ‘contributor’ got in. It means there’s still hope for me yet! 😂😂😂
  10. If it’s going to remain in OP that makes the most sense. If downtown, the dome would be the ideal solution.
  11. Probably using the increase for the New Stadium Tip Jar fund. (Kidding)
  12. Wrong! As my screen name says, I’m in Southern California. We have “super poor” illegal aliens pouring into our state day after day and year after year. They aren’t homeless once they get here. They get homes and apartments and immediately get to work. The vast majority of so-called homeless are DRUG ADDICTS! Fix that problem and you’ll fix the ‘homeless’ problem. But no, the current and previous administrations don’t want to talk about the ‘root cause’. Instead they focus on everything but.
  13. Exactly The only way any of this overreach is possible is because they’re calling it a State of Emergency. The ruling class has found themselves a brilliant loophole! Just keep calling everyday life an emergency and you’re free to trample on the rights of the governed forever. Ingenious and really, really sick.
  14. I went to the Bills game at Wembley. It was PACKED! And....a ton of fun. Not sure where all this Debbie Downer stuff comes from.
  15. Isn’t it interesting how the Left screamed for cameras on police officers but then opposes them on teachers? Both are public employees working essentially unsupervised.
  16. If any of you people ever worked in a classified environment you’d understand how out of bounds her behavior was. Anyone else would’ve been….yep…LOCKED UP!
  17. Thanks! That’s more information then we’ve gotten from Fauchi in over two years!
  18. Don’t blame me for your lack of understanding. You’ll learn when you grow up. Just be patient. Your skin will clear up and your voice will get deeper too.
  19. Beach….what state are you in and what age group are the kids?
  20. There should be outrage no matter who was or is doing it. As to why she wasn’t indicted it’s because she was no longer in office and the damage had been done. Your general lack of understanding of the basics is nothing short of astonishing.
  21. You’re clearly making a huge number of friends on here. Way to go!
  22. You really don’t understand the issue of Hilary using a private server? Really?
  23. You people? Wannabe? I can see Malibu Beach from my living room. How’s the view from your grandmother’s basement sofa?
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