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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. No argument there. I live the stories at the dinner table quite regularly....probably more graphically than you'll ever know. However, assuming that little kids as are being discussed in Florida, have brains with anywhere near the development quality of adolescents, or adults is simply ridiculous! The topics of human sexuality should NOT be being discussed in early childhood classrooms, (no matter what inclination they may have or experience around them) and certainly not by your average elementary school teacher.
  2. Okie doke...just checking. Carry on.
  3. True story: my wife is a longtime educator. Every year they do harassment and bullying education with the pre adolescent kids. For the next two to three weeks the office is packed with kids reporting that they’re being harassed or bullied. Happens every year like clockwork. Then, like clockwork the issues virtually disappear. Rinse and repeat. Kids are NOT little adults!!! Their minds are VERY impressionable. The mere mention of something and they all suddenly have seen it, or are it, no matter what the topic is.
  4. And after two years....you still think this is what the public policy debate has been about? Really?
  5. Why all the exclamation marks? I'm putting you down as a no vote?
  6. Tottenham was an engineering marvel. It was built on the small urban site of the old White Hart Stadium (picture the Rockpile)....so they chose to build the new stadium in two halves. They built one half of the oval while still playing in the existing stadium, then tore down the old stadium, and completed the other half of the new one. Amazing. It was all intended to save relocation time for the team , but later on troubles in construction ended up with the Hotspurs being away from home for an entire season longer than they were supposed to. The best of plans....
  7. Here's another one of Tottenham from the outside.
  8. Tottenham Stadium from the neighborhood.
  9. Haven't attended a game there but the last time we were in London we made it a point to take the train up to see the new stadium. It's super cool modern on the outside and resembles a space ship that landed in an old residential neighborhood. There are little, brick row houses right across the street, and then you come upon this aluminum panel-clad flying saucer. In a word....WILD!
  10. Dallas and Los Angeles both offer a standing room end zone option. It’s somewhat of a gimmick but it’s a cheap thing to provide in the end zone, and can offer some design help if you’re putting a roof over the seats.
  11. With Ike and Bates both resigned…let’s move on to the next thread. CB or WR?
  12. Something like that…yes. People comparing this to Rich Stadium are not being realistic. Rich was essentially a hole in the ground that they poured concrete on top of. I’m guessing this new stadium is going to be larger and way, way more complicated to both draw and build.
  13. So we all agree, the last off season puzzle piece now in place…we take the punter with our pick at #25! 👍
  14. Everyone has to remember that the stadium hasn’t been designed yet. It still needs to drawn, permitted, etc before they can even start construction.
  15. Be carful what you wish for. Assuming you're a football fan (and a Bills fan) you'd have to be ready to pay an awful lot to attend a game. Very few (if any) business models work with a building that is only used ten times a year. The longer the payments are spread out, and the more people they are spread out over; the cheaper ticket prices will be. I'm not sure why some fans don't understand this. A restaurant owner doesn't 'give' his customers a restaurant to eat in. He makes that investment back in the price of the meal.
  16. I could care less about this inside the beltway junior high gossip. It's exactly why this country's in the trouble it's in.
  17. I'm not going to try and rob you of your delusions. Whatever floats your boat. You seem to revel in them.
  18. Excellent post. Too many of these threads have the Bills drafting in a vacuum. There'll only be so many realistic OL, CBs and WRs available at 25 when they get to the podium. Your list is the only list that matters. (Whenever I look at league-wide Mock Drafts, I immediately look at the next five picks AFTER the Bills to see who they passed on. It really makes no difference who was picked ahead of them.)
  19. Putin has turned Ukranian cities into rubble with Biden in office.....and it's Trump's fault? Come on BillSy. You have to know this doesn't pass the smell test of ANYONE other than you and Tibs. There are things you can argue about, but this is NOT one of them. It just makes you look foolish.
  20. I believe that most of the square footage figures refer to the concourse area outside of the seating bowl itself...especially with an outdoor venue. The one thing lacking at Rich Stadium was always the support space (restrooms, concessions, circulation area)...but this is also partly due to the fact that both the upper and lower decks open up into one consolidated concourse. If the new stadium is built above ground they'll need to double up on all of those areas, and therefore consume more square feet.
  21. Wait....ABOVE or BELOW ?
  22. The 'communities' directly surrounding the Cal State Fullerton campus is about 99% hispanic students. Are those the marginalized students they're talking about? If so...it must be a really wide margin!
  23. And, we're back to Trump? I told you guys after the election....your guy is in charge now. Welcome to the fun!
  24. Your students aren't making a political statement...but their parents are. And, the statement is: "We are choosing to live in a permanent state of fear." The damage this kind of thinking does to the adult mind is significant. The impact on children may be irreparable.
  25. You can try and keep telling yourself that....and even if you're right...his numbers are in the toilet because of it. They have to strike a new message, because the "Blame Putin Dog" doesn't hunt for the American people.
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