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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So if true…did you not know that you don’t own the team? I’m pretty sure that I don’t? I’m a huge Bills fan but I’m also aware that it’s like loving a restaurant. The owner can decide to move the restaurant if he wants to. There are consequences to the move but it’s his decision to make.
  2. I'm guessing I've been a Bills fan for longer than you've been alive. But in case you weren't aware...the Team doesn't belong to the City. It belongs to the Owner. You may not like it, but those are the facts.
  3. Dude....you REALLY need to get a sense of humor. I mean....REALLY.
  4. Wow! This thread is really odd. I'm not sure if this is jealousy, envy, or what on display here....but it isn't good.
  5. I don't think the Bills were asking or expecting much tackle breaking from their WR group. They're just not that kind of receivers. But with that said, they didn't need to be. Offensive production was not the reason they didn't get to the Super Bowl this year.
  6. Well I'm guessing that's exactly what they are going to do. So you should be happy. However, the State's budget is not that simplistic. They don't earmark funds as specifically as you seem to be suggesting. Every highway tax dollar doesn't go to fix highways, etc. And every sports gambling dollar won't go specifically towards a new stadium....but I'm betting (pardon the pun) your logic will indeed be used to justify some level of State financial support.
  7. I've been hot and cold on the RB situation. What I saw at the end of the year was a team that was beginning to figure it out. They were sticking with Singletary, and using him more and more in the check down passing game. The RB by Committee experiment simply didn't work. Now, with that said...much like CB...I would love to see the Bills bring in a rookie RB in almost every draft. They are cheap and they don't last long.
  8. Spanos left San Diego because the citizens continually voted against a new stadium....even though the one they just tore down to instead replace with a new one for San Diego State was older than Rich Stadium. And you blame him? Seems to me they were just taunting him into picking up his team and moving. I really hope the same thing never happens with the Bills.
  9. Is this it? Is this the day they finally catch that wascally wabbit? We are now over a year since the 'Insurrection" and Nancy's fishing expedition continues unabated! She is the worst thing that's happened to Washington DC in the last century.
  10. There's a lot to 'unpack' there. (I hate that phrase but it seems to fit.) This is a really complex issues and varies from state to state. My wife was a full-time educator in California and was very well paid....including a pension, a short work year, and work day. As I said, it varies from state to state. If you want teachers to be paid more in most states you have to increase your State Income Tax. None of this however has ANYTHING to do with cameras in classrooms. No matter what the pay scale, teachers are college educated professionals. They are not long shore-men (no offense intended). The public should be able to expect a minimal amount of professionalism from their public educators...and in general they get it.
  11. This camera issue has a lot of moving parts. It’s a lot more complicated than you guys are making it.
  12. Dude…I don’t “want” anything. I’m just trying to explain what’s happening. You can do whatever you want with the information.
  13. Happy Invasion Day! (Isn’t this the Wednesday all the ‘experts’ predict …or is it another Wednesday?)
  14. Wrong. Nobody is advocating for placing cameras on teachers! Sheeesh dude. They’re advocating for placing cameras in CLASSROOMS! Which is happening, mostly for safety of both teachers and students, just like it is for police officers. It doesn’t mean that someone is going to be watching/supervising in real time. But we have the technology now and the camera systems are not all that expensive. Does that help?
  15. Yes Josh Allen does mask a ‘not so great’ line. No argument here. It’s been so long since the Bills have had a franchise QB that most fans don’t realize that. You can’t be great everywhere. Are they bad? No. Are they great? No.
  16. As a forty year LA area resident let me try and simplify it: Southern California is a VERY diverse marketplace. American football is not the dominating sport that it would be in Buffalo. (Thus the reason why baseball, soccer, and basketball are so popular.) Not only are there tons of other things to do here but there are a wide range of people with varying cultural backgrounds. With regards to population check out this statistic: The Inland Empire, the eastern suburbs of LA would be the 12th largest Metro Area in the country with almost 5 Million people if it was considered it’s own ‘city’ and that’s just the eastern suburbs. Yikes!
  17. I appear to be in the minority here but the O Line was fine down the stretch once they settled on their starting five. I’m not as concerned as others on here with regard to Williams paycheck. If Spencer gets injured for a game of two they’ll Williams slide back outside and it won’t matter. So what do they need to do this offseason: 1. Acquire good depth through the draft and free agency especially at OG and C. 2. Work with the new OC and OL Coach on technique and assignments
  18. I regularly speak on the subject of school safety and I’ve designed/installed hundreds (maybe thousands) of cameras in public schools. You may want to come on here and bloviate as if you’re an expert in everything because you have an opinion, but occasionally you’re going to bump into someone on here who actually is. Instead of pushing back with childish demands for a ‘video’ of my credentials, maybe you should simmer down and try to learn something. Just sayin’
  19. Let me see if I understand this…the State took in $70 million from gambling and now you want the gambling sites to pay out even more cash for the stadium? Wouldn’t the better question be: If the State took in $70 million from gambling on football, why isn’t the state putting that money back into the business by giving that money for the stadium? Isn’t the state supposed to fix the roads with your Highway taxes?
  20. OK people…the lack of understanding about the make up of the greater Los Angeles area is stunning. Here’s a hint…LA is not just a much bigger version of Buffalo! Sheeesh.
  21. I never said there was a video. Keep deflecting Mr School Expert.
  22. Feel free to attend. It alternates between Las Vegas and Orlando every other year. Come up and introduce yourself.
  23. Eddie Eagle? They don’t even the pledge to include One Nation Under….GOD. And let the deflection begin. You’re WAY out of your field of expertise here dude!
  24. Yep…I’d hate that I’ve always said they should align Thursday with teams bye weeks
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