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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’ll disagree…slightly. Did anyone ever think we’d be debating whether elementary school teachers should be talking to five year olds about sexuality? This is totally new ground that the progressive movement is testing the waters on. To be honest I didn’t think ANYONE would think it’s a good idea…and thus the thread.
  2. Keep putting 'it out there'. That's what this kind of a Message Board is for. If you do it respectfully, with limited to no name-calling, you'll keep the dialogue going.
  3. Everyone comes at this issue from a different angle, but I'll never buy into the concept that anyone's estate should magically revert back to the State upon their demise. For myself, I came from virtually nothing. The estate I've amassed was created from a ton of hard work and with the love and support of a dedicated family. For every story like mine there are thousands who squandered/spent every dime they made along the way. (I have a few business partners who live just that way.) Some on here promote the idea that the government should come in and say "thanks for playing, we'll take over from here". Why? On who's authority? I gave the government their required share each step along the way. They're supposed to be providing services to me....not the other way around. What did they do with their annual cut? Did they save and/or invest it...like I did? Or, did they squander it, like so many do? I'll answer it for you: They squandered it!
  4. Nope......those years were already deep into my fanhood. If you didn't live through some of those late 1960's teams, you missed a real mess.
  5. Hey! it takes a lot work to search all throughout Twitter and then copy/paste every stupid thing you find there onto this message board 😉
  6. I'll add one point to an otherwise awesome post. If you really feel that you have too much, then by all means give it all away, and leave the rest of us alone. There's no law stopping you from paying more than what you 'owe' each and every year. Knock yourself out!
  7. That's nothing....remember, hockey goalies didn't wear masks back then!
  8. The rest of us all have. What ‘side’ do you think you’re on?
  9. Thank goodness….for a minute there I thought you’d gotten a degree in divinity. Carry on.
  10. Why are you so concerned when people respond to your posts? Do you think they’re so impressive that they should last forever? If so, you might want to try stone tablets. The internet is the wrong medium! But in the meantime take it as a compliment. We all assume you’re crying out for attention…so we’re just trying to help. Call us all givers!
  11. And now you’re an expert on Christianity? Your expertise is ever expanding….just like the universe. 😉
  12. Fascinating that this post comes from a guy in Seattle.
  13. I’ll approach the debate a bit differently. Since the Bills already have a top QB under contract, is it really that hard to teach the OL to run block? The statistical difference between a great and below average running game is something less than 3 feet per attempt. I said the same thing last offseason…can we not work even a little bit on opening a crack or two so we can pick up that extra three feet on a somewhat regular basis. I mean after all….why not?
  14. You’re on a different page alright. I’ll give you that. 😉
  15. I’m not going to argue with you. We actually agree there. Where we disagree is that I don’t think it’s the US federal government’s role to correct that condition. And it’s definitely not when I’m done on this world and can no longer defend myself. If you want to eliminate or reduce the disparity, go right ahead, and do so voluntarily. I’ll be the first to applaud you for it. There are many in this world who do just that every day.
  16. I'm not sure why you took it there. The Architects for the Bills new stadium are known around the world for their expertise in the design of sports stadiums. Just because you apparently hadn't heard of their work at Tottenham (one of their newest and best known projects) is no reason to make fun of the Architect or the Tottenham sports team itself. I'm pretty sure the London based Hotspurs have a significantly higher market dollar value than the Buffalo Bills. I believe the point of those posting about that stadium is simply to let everyone know that 'our' Bills new home is in very talented design hands. Go Bills!
  17. I’m never going to tell anyone that they have ‘enough’. We’re Americans! In comparison to most of the world we ALL have way more than ‘enough’. So since it’s not for me to say, I don’t give it even a second’s thought. So long as they’ve amassed their estate legally, then who’s to say what’s enough…not me, that’s for sure. Just live your life! Money doesn’t buy happiness. It never has. And sprinkling their estate out across the masses will have zero impact on the happiness of any of the folks it’s sprinkled on.
  18. Let's also make sure that teachers tell these young kids there isn't an Easter Bunny, or a Santa Claus, or any of the other fantasy tails that make being a child such a wonderful thing to be. Sheeesh
  19. With all due respect...you have this backward. Most people in politics didn't go in wealthy. The problem is that most of them come out wealthy. Let's attack that problem first, and then move on to other, less significant ones.
  20. By the way....Populous is the Architect....not the builder. Now, let's try another meme.
  21. Yes, the swoop in every day and I pay them a percentage for the NEW money that’s been generated (income, gains, interest). I don’t pay them (and neither do you) for money that hasn’t done anything but sit there. And as to your concern for the ‘wrong’ people having money….again I’ll ask you why you think you should be the ultimate decider of who gets money? Money doesn’t make good people bad. And not having money doesn’t make them good or bad either. You’re working off a very very flawed nexus.
  22. Once again….by who’s right? Do I know you? Did I raise you? Did you bring me Christmas presents every year? Just keep to yourself and leave my devoted family out of it….or….let’s do away with the amount I can transfer to my heirs while I’m alive so it doesn’t have to wait until your government vultures swoop down on my casket!
  23. And you want punish their success? On who’s right? Yours? We are in big trouble!
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