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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Here’s the two “root causes” (maybe Kamal can fix this one): 1. A large number of parents simply don’t care or pay attention to their kids schooling. 2. And the system offers no incentive to teachers for good performance. Put this together for a few decades and you have the current situation. It has NOTHING to do with money.
  2. Like others I’m not the least bit surprised by the Bills ranking. The most frustrating part about the drought years (which this ranking includes the last few years of) is that they were never really terrible. Year after Year I’d wait for them to post “In The Hunt” while I was preparing thanksgiving dinner. The Bills were always in the hunt but never really in the running. I’d laugh to myself, spend a few minutes doing the complex math on possible playoff scenarios and then finish making the gravy! 7-9 forever Baby! 😉
  3. Here’s what we have: In America we have a career Senator who’s never had to run anything or make any real decisions. In Canada they have a young leader who’s never faced any tough issues or civil unrest. It shouldn’t be surprising that both are a mess. Both countries have ‘leaders’ who have zero experience in LEADING!
  4. Oh just be quiet and just accept what the regime is telling you. We all know our government officials are the very picture of truth tellers!
  5. You need to think bigger than that Section. The largest university in the world is the University of Phoenix (at least it used to be) and they have NO CLASSROOMS. There’s a significant change happening in education. There are massive costs to running a physical school. You’re too focused on Big Brother supervision…with all due and serious respect.
  6. This issue is NOT complicated…no matter how many rabbit holes this board wants to go down. It’s not about honking horns, and it’s not about violence. It’s about whether the regime in charge (no matter which side) treats protestors differently depending on whether they are pro or anti the regime. I think EVERYONE on here knows the answer. Sheeesh!
  7. Brilliant! Let me write that on the board for all my classes….said MR Hand to Spikoli
  8. I asked whether the PM would be tapping into back accounts if the protest was in favor of his administration?
  9. As I mentioned, local education is not funded the same in every locality, but the basic principle still applies. Not to get too into the weeds here but your push back on cameras is working directly against the very technology that will open the door to significantly increasing the pay scale for educators.
  10. Well said. Does anyone think that if these very same truck drivers were doing the very same thing but instead had pro-Trudeau signs on their trucks, that the government would deem it an emergency? I think not. Maybe the truckers should adopt their own Let’s Go Brandon slogan.
  11. Do ya think you need two forms of ID and a revolving password to buy concert tickets because they just want to mess with you? No…I’m sure you’re right. There’s no cheating these days. Just show up at the concert…I’m pretty sure they’ll let you in. 😂😂😂
  12. What’s hilarious is that people would look to a late night comedian for their news updates. Does Kimmel have a news staff? How the heck does he know ANYTHING about what’s going on in this investigation? I’m not saying he’s right or wrong but he has literally ZERO information or sources on this subject.
  13. Blame Biden? 😂😂😂 Nobody gives a rats arse about Uncle Joe. People just want their lives back.
  14. Where’s Niagara Bill on this topic? He’s always incredibly quick to comment on every little thing going on in the Lower 48…so I’d really like his take on what’s happening north of the border. Niagara? Where’d you go?
  15. Keep right on raging against The Man. I wish you nothing but the best. 👍
  16. I’ll answer your question: Yes, I’m better than you. (Kidding) 😉
  17. I have no idea what that means but apparently you do. Keep smiling Tibs! It’ll do you good.
  18. Yikes! My tone? You’re clearly mad at the world, and it’s apparently your happy place. There are few sports owners who made their billions as sports owners. I’m assuming you know that? Not sure why you think you’re personally getting screwed by these folks. They just own a sports franchise. Sheeesh
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