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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. No worries Niagara…gets a bit confusing on here. Almost ruined my entire day of surfing. (.kidding on the surfing part…and a bit on the ruined day) Keep on stamping out the insurrection against those in power everywhere you find it.
  2. In these very troubling times a lone but prophetic figure will arise to guide the people back from the brink of war….he/she is of course…Kamala Harris! 😳
  3. Hard to believe the hippie Left has grown up to approve of the trampling of peaceful protestors. It’s honestly shocking! Where’s Jane Fonda when we need her?
  4. Any of you ever hear about the California Aqueduct? Hint: It already exists! Next.
  5. Anyone who thinks this is about getting a shot of a vaccine that barely works against a virus is a fool!
  6. Fun fact: (not sure if it’s true but it’s what I always heard) If you drained the Great Lakes they would flood the ENTIRE lower forty eight United States under one foot of water.
  7. Or…they could’ve just held the Chiefs receivers at the line of scrimmage in the last thirteen seconds, without a single roster move. 😉
  8. I can take it or leave it but he does have some decent comedians on there from time to time. The dead pan, soft spoken comic is hilarious. I think he says he’s from Alaska…is that the guy you’re talking about? Edit: just looked him up…that’s him 👍
  9. Tibs…you’ve really got to be kidding. These two circumstances are literally nothing alike. I think you’re reaching here.
  10. The system? What system is that exactly? PS: fu? Nice Niagara….classy.
  11. Wait …you draw the line at innocent people dying? That’s your red line? A few broken limbs and cracked skulls…no problem. Seizing assets…sure! Are you sure you’re defending the System or the Regime?
  12. Make sure you turn over every thirty minutes…unless the bi-look is what you’re after…not that there’s anything wrong with that.
  13. Or…we keep everyone and simply send Coach McD to a series of late game strategy classes! Simple, cheap and I’ll bet just as effective. 😉
  14. Ha! Me too! Enjoy the day Chef…and try to keep the White Supremacy to a minimum while you’re out there. 😉
  15. What’s this fixation with triggered? If that’s your goal in life then the title Racist Loser should be your new screen name. And to answer your question…. still winning!
  16. He’s not triggered. What you’ve witnessed here is a Freudian slip into flat out racism. Period.
  17. Is anyone familiar enough with the Canadian parliamentary system? Can this entitled woke man child be removed? Impeachment? Do they have a vote of no confidence? Or are the rest of the ministers all going along with these heavy handed tactics?
  18. Back away from the BLM koolaid. Your blatant RACISM is showing. Disgusting.
  19. D3? No idea what that’s about. What does your totally lame post have to do with red states? Showing a bit of over the top RACIAL prejudice there, don’t ya think? And you’ve mistaken outrage for disdain.
  20. And there it is….even lower yet. Classy! You’re an absolute moron.
  21. And you believe this is somehow representative of the quality and dedication of America’s teachers? Billsy hits another new low.
  22. Everybody knows there are no truckers in Cuba. Their vehicles all predate the invention of the tractor trailer! Silly Canadians.
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