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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. When you’re picking as low down the draft as the Bills are their war room has to be very fast to react. There are 24 variables to the math equation before you even get your chance up at the chalkboard. So it all comes down to who’s picked who ahead of you. Everybody knows their positions of need. They have to be thinking not just about Pick 25 but also the pick after that. There’s no simple answers. That’s what makes it interesting.
  2. See my post above. It’s a delicate balance between giving and getting.
  3. You might be surprised to learn that I’m not a big healthcare voter. My concern with universal healthcare is that while spreading a wider net will of course cover everyone, it almost certainly means that the quality of care will be diminished.
  4. If you’re taking a poll, I generally sleep on my side. 😉
  5. I’ve always thought this was an interesting philosophical discussion and it’s actually at the heart of all our internal division. There’s a balance, an equilibrium, between what you get and what you gave in every society. One side believes that balance needs to move further in the direction of you ‘getting’ from others, and the other side believes they’ve ‘given’ more than enough. You obviously cannot have a functioning civilization at either polar end. But…I personally believe the modern LEFT would like to see us move really close to all ‘getting’….ever widening the so called safety net….while I don’t know a single person on the RIGHT that believes in total individualism…the so called every man for himself philosophy. It’s that simple.
  6. One word from Nancy Pelosi and all of this ends. Do you think she’ll call it off? Nope! SHE is the problem.
  7. I’ll try this one more time. The most efficient way to lower ticket prices is to spread the stadium expenditure out over more people. It’s that simple. It doesn’t make it right or wrong….it’s just an inconvenient truth.
  8. What did PT Barnum say? There’s eighty one million born every day! 😉
  9. Like everything else this issue is a simple one. The never-too-bright teachers Union thought they’d done something great by pushing for remote learning. What they hadn’t foreseen was that they’d just allowed millions of PARENTS inside their ‘office’. These laws, of which I assume there’ll be more, are an effort by the governed to put guidelines on a more or less until now unchecked group of radicals with daily access to our kids.
  10. I have no idea what that means. I’ll defend your right to type it. 👍
  11. It’ll be really interesting to see if you still think so in mid November. I’m hoping you will.
  12. The delivery method for healthcare services is an interesting debate for sure. But calling people murderers for having a different vision for that delivery model does nothing to advance the conversation. The debate is NOT about who should live or die. The debate is about the delivery vehicle for medical services. One side wants a centralized system and the other…doesn’t. It’s that simple. Leave Putin out of it. He’s busy bombing innocent civilians right now.
  13. Thanks Chef Hope you have (or are having) a great time in Hawaii! As regards BillStime I hoped that we could all coax him away from the needless name calling and childish memes. Everybody on here likes to read alternative opinions….I know I do. And everybody likes a good laugh…I know I really do. But for goodness sake we have to keep it together as a civilization. This cannot become a death match struggle for existence. State your position reasonably, try not to simply copy and paste nonsense you saw on the internet, and then be prepared to engage in debate. Calling everyone ‘idiots’ and ‘freaks’ does nothing to advance an adult conversation.
  14. I keep telling you…I’ve already won. 😉
  15. Excellent…some on here would prefer a large chicken wing. 😉
  16. Bonnie is my friend? I don't know him/her. I find his copying/pasting to be tedious as well, but I more often than not happen to agree with the sentiment, so I don't tend to debate or comment . You, on the other hand, want to come here o a daily basis and spew Twitter garbage, call people all sorts of vile names, and then whine like a stuck pig when I call you on it. This isn't your personal dumpster space. If you want to throw bombs, you'd better expect that some of them are gonna blow back in your face. Go Bills
  17. Huh? Slow down there buddy. Who said the Biden's screwed 'the government'? THAT is what you think this is about? (And your Pompeo little story is cute, but the amount of money spent at Trump properties is an easily searchable matter of public accounting records....so enough with your CNN gossip column.)
  18. And so they had a special counsel. But keep in mind, a very rich person, paying off a mistress, is not the same as a government official using his position to line his own pockets and those of his family members....is it?
  19. May I suggest you try bringing your own opinions with some thoughtful, respectful commentary....as opposed to out-of-context, and generally misleading Twitter mis-information. We would all love to hear from you. Honestly! If we want to visit Twitter, we all know where to find it....trust me.
  20. Says the guy who derives 90% of this content on here from....wait for it....Twitter! 🤣
  21. Well then they need to shut off the internet at the sanitorium. 😉
  22. Careful there buckeroo. We already know that Joe has lied to the American people (and essentially to Congress then) when he says he had no idea of anything Hunter was doing in his business dealings.
  23. Once again....I'm begging ALL of you to google and rewatch the famous deer hunter scene from My Cousin Vinny! Do you think the deer gives a flying "FUXH" what color pants the hunter is wearing when his little deer face is splattered all over the ground?
  24. How is this discussion related to Trump? Or...in your world...is everything related to Trump? Asking for a friend.
  25. And this dude is an expert, how exactly? He better be more than an elementary school teacher, because his credential certainly doesn't cover this type of instruction.
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