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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Since your original point made zero fiscal or societal sense, I figured I’d test another.
  2. I’m guessing with your way of thinking it’s also a great idea to tap into our strategic oil reserve because of you know…Putin…so we can save 10 cents a gallon for a week or two.
  3. Hilarious…so it’s your position that the problem with America is that it’s chock full of….wait for it…Americans! Brilliant.
  4. Happy Easter…He is Risen!
  5. I literally have no idea what some of you are talking about on here anymore. Let make it really simple. Private individuals and corporations expect a return on an investment. Government, on the other hand, doesn't invest....it spends. Neither one is bad. It's just how our system works.
  6. You guys are literally HORRIBLE at memes. None of that makes any sense at all.
  7. Wait…what? Twitter is claiming a constitutionally protected religious exemption? Really? What religion is it?
  8. So it’s settled then…Sean Hannity will moderate all the debates, just to even things out for the last couple of decades. Done!
  9. We’re clearly at an impasse. The Team is going to get paid back for their investment one way or the other. It’s an investment….not a gift to the fans. Go Bills
  10. These are complicated Finance discussions to have on a message board. But in short, the PSLs aren’t paying back the taxpayer portion of the funding. If they were, they’d be a LOT larger. The PSL charge only pays back the Team’s portion. In some way or fashion the cost of the new stadium has to be recouped. It’s not pretty but it’s how things work.
  11. The pool of questions would still come from a collaborative media, with the final questions having to be approved of by both candidates. It’s the way jurors are chosen in the courtroom every single day. (Each candidate’s party gets a finite number of questions that they can outright reject.) With that said, I put it to you that’s it’s NOT the actual question that’s the problem. It’s the voice inflection and follow up from the moderator. I’ll never forget or forgive Savanna Guthrie for her outright hit job on Trump in what was supposed to be a townhall format while George Stephanopolous was stroking Biden on the other channel. Shameful!
  12. Huh? Why would the Pegulas want to treat you to a football stadium? Why would the owner of any business? This is just silly talk. Now…if you’re desperate to go to a football game for cheaper prices you might want to request that preseason games be reduced admission (I’ve always been in favor of that). Or, maybe you can attend UB games, or CFL, or the local high school, or junior college.
  13. How about we get rid of the moderators all together! Just read the question off a teleprompter. Each candidate alternates going first, and then has their microphone cut off when their allotted time is up. Each then gets a short time for rebuttal and again the microphone cuts off. Then…move on. Next question. Simple!
  14. Hey! At least something is being stopped at the border. It’s a start. 😉
  15. Don’t get me wrong. I completely understand the point. Yes, it’s going to cost more to attend Bills games in the brand new stadium. How much more? Answer…what the WNY market will bear, just as is true in the current stadium. Think about it. You’re stuck paying the price of admission. The Pegulas are stuck charging what fans are willing to pay. It’s not like they can bus fans in from Cleveland. The stadium is where it is and it will be for another FIFTY years. Neither you or the owners have options. It’s a balance. My point is that many retail stores have gone to a hidden ‘membership’ fee to make their daily pricing look and feel lower. It’s a retail gimmick, but it works.
  16. Unless…they eventually put a ring on it!
  17. I almost hate to post this on a Bills Message Board…but you do know you don’t have to go the Bills game, right? And there are other entertainment options available. (Please don’t kill me Bills fans.) 😳
  18. Ever been to Costco? Amazon? Come on now. The new stadium isn’t free. It’s going to cost you more to attend games. I thought everyone understood that.
  19. Huh? Do you say the same thing when go in a store? Do you think the Gap doesn’t charge you for the cost of the building? Of course they do.
  21. Until someone opens fire on a subway.
  22. Is this actually true? At what point does the federal government come in a find out what’s going on? Sheeeesh!
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