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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The amount you know about what goes on in a classroom couldn’t fill a thimble. Please stop trying be an expert on every subject you see on Twitter.
  2. You keep repeating that. Public school educators have zero expertise in any of this subject matter. Especially primary grade educators. They shouldn’t be going anywhere near this subject matter. They are not hired as social workers or marriage and family counselors. PERIOD!
  3. I have no idea what the current discussion has with your comment. You’re saying Biden won because people knew he’d never be impeached? Yeah….I’m sure that’s why he won. You should start your own cable television network.
  4. These people have lost their minds. There isn’t a single American who isn’t going to hang the price of gas squarely around Biden’s neck. Everyone feels it now…big time! Blaming Putin (some guy on the other side of the world) doesn’t help you fill up your tank when you have to go to work, and it doesn’t buy your groceries to feed your kids. They’re absolutely tone deaf and out of touch.
  5. Regardless of what this Bill says or doesn’t say it’s just another example of the First World problems that are eating America up from the inside. I’m assuming the very fact that this discussion has gone on for page after page means that all of Florida’s kids are able to read, write and do math at grade level and beyond….yes? I mean, we have time for this nonsense?
  6. Hey BillSy…just call him a freak. It’s your go to slur.
  7. Nice try Freak You went into your vast dictionary and painted everyone who supports this legislation with the one epithet that’s universally used to describe those in the greater LGBTQ community. Nice work hater! Again…you’ve been exposed. Not so easy when the hate speech is coming out of your sexist pie hole is it BillSy? Get lost!
  8. We’re clearly back to “leading from behind”. Great job Joe!
  9. What’s next? You want to start throwing the N word around in a race relations thread? You’ve been exposed as a disgusting hate filled clown!
  10. Nice try Your disgusting hate is showing. Own it, you loser
  11. Hey Freak.....are you a trained educator? I think not...or at least I hope not. Please leave this to the professional educators.
  12. Don't let BillSy off the hook. He quickly went to calling everyone in support of this legislation a "freak". It should have showed you all how he really feels. True diversity hatred on full display. This thread should have ended right there!
  13. Nice try Billsy You've now been called out. Deal with it hypocrite! We see your hate, and it isn’t appealing in the slightest.
  14. Relax people! We’re sending Kamala to Warsaw to look into the root causes of the recent migration. This’ll all be solved by Friday. 👍
  15. I see….so you’re response to the people you ‘think’ are calling other people freaks is to actually call those people…..wait for it….FREAKS! 😂😂😂 Get down off your self righteous woke throne there hypocrite.
  16. I apologize My assumption is Edmunds would be traded
  17. No….idiot….I think the majority of heterosexual Americans are not freaks!
  18. Did you think the same when the Rams loaded up and won the Super Bowl? I’m not for bringing in washed up overpriced free agents….but Wagner feels a lot like Von Miller to me. No?
  19. He was absolutely horrible in his first few games but I have to say he really came on strong. Never met the guy but I was honestly proud of how he turned himself into a solid contributor. He must have a great work ethic! With that said, I find these comings and goings very troubling. I’m not sure why NFL rosters have to endure such high turnover. It’d seem so much more stable if agents and teams could settle on more reasonable contracts. I just saw that the Chargers are paying a WR something like $20 million a year…..really? Come on! That’s yet another contract that won’t age well.
  20. This move makes way too much sense.
  21. Come on people! You’ve got to break some eggs if you’re going to ‘fundamentally transform America’. Always Remember: Never let a manufactured crisis to go waste!
  22. Hilarious So it’s your feeling that calling the majority of Americans “insecure freaks” is going to win over their hearts and minds? Come on Hillary that didn’t work with “deplorable”. PS: You may want to look up the definition of hypocrisy on this one!
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