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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It’s way too warm here for fur but if the rally gets busy I’ll bring the beer out to you. Deal! 😉
  2. I’m sure you’re right. The innocent Ukrainian people like it a lot better now that we have a president that calls Putin bad names. Please remind them of that when they return from exile to the crater that was once their apartment building!
  3. Is that akin to a Neanderthal? Lots of name calling from the so-called highly evolved Left on this Board lately. 🙄
  4. And it’s your position that yesterday’s 1,200 Covid deaths are somehow scientifically different from those when we were told we HAD TO wear masks? Or could we be taking them off because they no longer serve their convenient political purpose…seeing as we have a foreign war to distract the media.
  5. Relax John. I’m making a comment on how this is being portrayed on TV.
  6. I’m not trying to get into an argument here. We’ve seen very little to no footage of an organized Ukrainian military. We’ve however seen tons of stories about average citizens taking up arms. I’m sure it’s just the way the media is choosing to cover it , but think about it….We have seen the Ukrainian President speaking from unknown underground locations and no interviews with Ukrainian military officials.
  7. Sheesh…I’m sure they have one but we certainly haven’t seen it in action. Have you?
  8. Tibs…you and I often disagree but on this I believe you’re correct. The Russian invasion has been horrific in that there doesn’t seem to be a Ukrainian army to attack so instead Russia is just slamming rockets into apartment buildings. I’m not sure that we’ve ever seen anything like that. Typically, the attacking force claims that the enemy is using these buildings as a shield to hide their military. But Ukraine doesn’t appear to have an organized military. To quote Irv….what a mess!
  9. This is not a difficult concept. The bill simply seeks to limit what subject matters school districts and teachers can include in their curriculum. There’s nothing odd here. I’m guessing you wouldn’t want a devout Muslim teacher instructing students about their religion? Similarly, as an employer, there are certain topics I’m not supposed to venture into with my employees lest it be branded a hostile work environment. This is nothing for either side to set their hair on fire about. The ‘privacy’ of the public school classroom does NOT give the classroom teacher the freedom to talk about whatever they want with impressionable children….and qualified, trained educators know exactly how to avoid such topics. Relax!
  10. DC…not too bad. I think it’s safe to say that your Denver prediction was spot on! Do you want to update your predictions?
  11. I’ve been to Tottenham. Three things…first it looks like a really cool futuristic spaceship that landed in an old row house neighborhood that could very well be in WNY. Second, it was built in two halves so the team could keep playing in the old stadium while the first half of the ‘circle’ was built…amazing but expensive. Finally, it opened an entire season late because of fire alarm problems so the Hotspurs had to play an extra season away from home at nearby Wembley stadium.
  12. And they ended up settling for what they got? Yikes! Somewhat in kidding, yes, the plans will be conceptual at first with multiple revisions along the way. Most people think that an architect just whips out a complete design and says ‘here it is’ but that’s not how it works. We prepare general concepts really quickly and those are refined over time with input from the Client. The project design ultimately develops from the general to the specific with the final details worked out as the technical drawings are being assembled.
  13. That actually sounds much longer that it should take, especially with the existing site conditions known. I can’t imagine they’re going to get into some long community input process.
  14. FYI: they’re not actually blueprints anymore. We now create a 3D virtual model of the building and give it to the Contractors to work from in real time. Pretty cool, huh? In general the total architecture/engineering fees should be something in the neighborhood of 6.0% of the construction cost of the stadium. You can do the math.
  15. Many folks on here know that I’m actually a practicing architect. Yes, populous is one of the industry’s leaders in major sports facility design. They’ll do a great job.
  16. Kamala is the modern day definition of a total piece of crap!
  17. I’m not the least bit uncomfortable. I’m however amazed that you think your typical grade school teacher has any expertise in these matters. There are people who do….but not teachers. That’s not their core competency. You don’t know that? Or are you just so accustomed to being an internet expert on everything because you slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night?
  18. Thank goodness....I've been saving up all of my 'calls for violence' for just such an occasion!
  19. And you're an expert in pedagogy because you have a Twitter account? Please....just stop it now. Your slanderous name calling from yesterday proved where you're coming from on this issue.
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