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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Not really. It’s not up to the Court to uphold laws and rights. It’s up to the Court to interpret them…which is important when society is always changing. It could be said that the Executive Branch upholds/enforces them.
  2. You’re kidding me right? I dare you to go out on the street right now and see if you can find one person that’s ever heard of let alone seen a picture of Aleppo. And that dare doesn’t count your military ammunitions clique. 😉
  3. No argument on either of those guys in their limited roles but I find it hard to believe they can’t find a true STARTER at a position of need. I’m beginning to think McD doesn’t want them to start. Almost like a college coach would want freshmen to sit and learn for a season.
  4. I’m sure you know that it was way more complicated than that…but we definitely agree that the US Military has had a poor track record of finishing what they were asked to start. And I’m not saying that it’s 100% their fault. I’ll disagree Alf. I dare you to show a post war picture of Aleppo to ANYONE and ask them to tell you what it’s a picture of. I’ve tried that experiment and not a single person could tell me. The same is definitely not the case with Ukraine.
  5. All I know is that the Bills better get more production out of their first two selections than they have the last couple of years. This is a solid playoff team now. They need to fill a hole or two, with a major contribution from a top rookie. So…take the punter in Round One! (Kidding on that last part)
  6. I’m going disagree with you here. The right to bear arms is NOT a natural right. It’s a man made right intended as a deterrent to others who’d seek to take away those natural rights. Based solely on your quote of her response I see no problem with what she said.
  7. Was the idea of the war the problem or the eventual execution of it? I personally believe it was the latter.
  8. I appreciate the difficult spot that puts you in. I really do. But…it’s not your job as a teacher to get involved in any of this. Just report your concerns to an administrator and get back to teaching.
  9. The teacher is required to inform an administrator. They have programs in place for these sort of circumstances. It’s not anywhere near as rare as you might think. If you could spend one day job shadowing my wife at work you’d be utterly shocked.
  10. Please re-read my post. Not every parent is you and me. There are ALL SORTS of circumstances when parents are actually the cause of the problem (cutting, abuse, molestation, malnutrition, drugs, etc) and sometimes those parents can and do endanger their own children. My point all along is that these complex family issues need to be handled by TRAINED professionals. Teachers have ZERO training in these matters and honestly, they shouldn’t want to be trained. There are professionals who know what they’re doing in these matters.
  11. Hey! I ordered my list of things I “hate about America” hours and hours ago. The service around here sucks.
  12. This is a really sensitive issue Chef. As I’ve previously stated, my wife is a TRAINED professional in this area. There are times when telling the parents can actually be a real problem. Not everyone goes home to a loving family.
  13. Have you ever seen the pictures of Aleppo Syria? That was a city the size of Toronto and it now looks like an ancient ruin. The lack of American news coverage of that horrific carnage was nothing short of stunning.
  14. Why is it the least bit surprising to anyone that a left leaning judge would be more liberal on sentencing guidelines? This would only be a story if she said “Throw the book at them!”
  15. Geez people! Teachers and counselors are REQUIRED to pass this sort of information and concern on to an administrator. That’s not debatable. They’re not required to call the parents but are required to inform a school official or social service worker who is TRAINED in how to handle these topics. For the one millionth time…..classroom teachers are NOT marriage/family therapists or social workers.
  16. Clown post? I remember a time when the free press, political pundits, talk show hosts were free to give their opinions about world affairs. Do you?
  17. It’s not a purse! It’s a European carry-all!
  18. Interesting factoid: Uncle Fester was a child actor named Charlie Koogan. His parents ‘stole’ all the money he made in his childhood. So now if you’re a child actor you must first show proof of having opened a Koogan Account into which your earnings are deposited where your parents can’t touch it. They actually check your Account number every day before you can appear on set.
  19. So…I’m back from a day at the beach and came here looking for the list of things you believe that I hate about America. But….your list is apparently…NOTHING! Nice work Billsy.
  20. Just a simple ‘you’re right, that was probably over the line and inappropriate of me’ would have been the proper response. But nope…just continue being you.
  21. Not to make this into a Covid thread…but after the first few weeks almost all of the advice was the EXACT opposite of what we should have been told to do. History and SCIENCE are going to prove that out.
  22. Actually just laying on a towel enjoying the scenery…if you know what I mean. 😉 But my comment still stands…so many people here from so many nationalities, colors, and traditions, and everyone gets along. You have to refuse to be baited into this race nonsense. It’s beneath us all.
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