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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Now what? My gosh, you have a really odd way of looking at our country.
  2. Correct, I don't have the answer. But I shouldn't. That's what the various legislative bills in each state would determine. It's no different from my previous email when I mentioned that states used to have (and maybe some still do) different drinking ages. Each state will make their own determination. The Declaration, and its sister document, the Constitution don't reference the Bible. They refer to a Creator. What do you believe that term refers to? Please don't tell me you've found yet another rabbit hole to go down.
  3. In a word.....Yikes! So in your view, Liberty is a definite "yes", but Life is a "no". Got it.
  4. So we agree here. At some point the country realized that it needed to clarify and correct that Liberty applied to all people….including blacks. Now, it’s apparently time to make another clarification and reinforce that Life applies to every life, including the yet born.
  5. By the way Tibs….between the Declaration of Independence and the writing of the Constitution, which disappeared? The Creator? The self evident truths? The unalienable rights? Or is it your premise that the framers were going to include Life but it didn’t make the final cut? 😉
  6. Ha! Hey it’s really early here in California! 😂
  7. We don’t need any of these rumor filled posts…just ask Adam Schiff. He knows all the whistleblowers!
  8. And among those inalienable rights are LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The constitution already very clear speaks to the issue. It’s right there in the beginning!
  9. And I’m sure she’s right. Everyone knows that most rapists are doing it just so that the girl gets pregnant. Yeah…that sounds right! 😂😂😂
  10. Kate must be a righteous person…she includes a Ukrainian flag on her tweets.
  11. It’s certainly very complex. The result of the leaked opinion is that the American people will finally have the opportunity to have this debate on a state by state basis. But to be clear, the center of the debate is NOT whether a woman has the right to choose… but instead whether the baby has the right to survive.
  12. Time for a cold beer Liz.
  13. Church driven doctrine? You mean like the same doctrine upheld by virtually every civilized nation that thou shall not kill? That doctrine? Come on Niagara….this is way more existential than whether to honor the sabbath or eat meat on Friday.
  14. If anything, I’d suggest we know way more about what’s happening in the womb than we did fifty years ago. To those who stand against the concept of abortion fifty years means nothing. Basic Right and Wrong exists on an eternal timeline.
  15. From your point of you, no doubt. But remember your point of view is not shared by a whole lot of people.
  16. “God forbid”….exactly. I’m not trying to pick a fight here. I’m really not. You’re welcome to your deeply seated belief system.
  17. “Medical Care” …want to show your cards here a bit more? The entire board can’t see them unless you lift them up over your head, really, really high. 😉
  18. Ugh…but you do not know how deliberations have gone, or are still going. But to be clear…you’re concerned that a Justice didn’t want to be totally forthcoming about their private opinion on how they’re leaning on a clearly divisive societal issue, but have no problem with the latest one who doesn’t want to tell you what a woman is…when she OBVIOUSLY knows? Is that right?
  19. With all due respect…You don’t know whether any of that is true. There’s been no ruling on anything.That’s why a leak like this is so incredibly damaging.
  20. I have no idea what you're getting at on this anymore. I've done. Yes.....you are wrong.
  21. They should. That’s the entire point of being a judge. They really aren’t supposed to look at things in the hypothetical. It’s a nuance that’s been created by the bad behavior of Congress, not by the judges.
  22. I think your concern is misplaced. The Justices should really not be asked about how they might rule on FUTURE cases during their confirmation. I’m always happy when they tell congress that they’re not going to go down that path… whether Left or Right leaning.
  23. The X and Y chromosomes, also known as the sex chromosomes, determine the biological sex of an individual: females inherit an X chromosome from the father for a XX genotype, while males inherit a Y chromosome from the father for a XY genotype (mothers only pass on X chromosomes).
  24. You can choose to like it or not...you can understand it or not....but that's how our country was constructed to work. It's a bit messy for sure, but most countries have similar oddities that others find a bit nutty. Heck, the United Kingdom still has a Queen. 😉
  25. Thanks for the well-thought-out dialogue. The Left chooses to frame this issue as Women's Rights...and the Right chooses to frame it as Baby's Rights. You and I are not going to solve it here...that's for sure. While more churches than not come down on the side of Baby's Rights, this is not in and of itself a religious issue. The Left wants you to think of it as such.
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