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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Ya see? You can do it! An entire post where you didn’t call anyone a derogatory name. Nice job! 👍
  2. Maybe so, but this is part of the process. If you don’t wanna see the sausage being made, stay out of the kitchen. And to be honest, does it really make any difference whether something is unanimous or not? When these folks are on the court, they’re on the court. It’s all part of the political process.
  3. Tomorrow, America will cross the ONE MILLION DEATH milestone. I’ll be very interested to see the tone of the discussion from both the media and the Biden Administration.
  4. Close…..Now copy and paste in a picture of Hilary.
  5. Wait a minute! Was that whole Chromosome lesson simply Russian disinformation? I should have skipped school that day. Apparently the judge did! I am Woman…hear me roar! 😂
  6. John…they should play with their birth gender. Why is that so difficult? Don’t we celebrate the girl who becomes the placekicked on the football team?
  7. I’ve always wondered that myself. I’ve seen the video where the cop is politely talking to the polite protestors inside the House Chambers. Why isn’t he saying “now you know I have to arrest you, so I’m going read you your rights, please turnaround so I can peacefully cuff you”…and the pull out an assortment of zip ties. Isn’t that what’s supposed to happen?
  8. Nobody is ‘banning’ children! Enough with the hyperbole. The issue is whether these particular children have an inherent unfair advantage in sporting competitions. This is the very reason why there have always been AGE groups in sports, and GENDER groups in sports, to begin with. If there is indeed an inherent competitive advantage than the proper solution is for Trans kids to be willingly and openly accepted with their birth gender competitors. NOT to have them compete against kids that aren’t their birth gender!! Sheesh! Didn’t you ever see the Seinfeld episode where Kramer is beating up all the little kids in his karate class? Just about everything you need to know about life you can learn from watching Seinfeld. 😉
  9. Wait a second! You have special color glasses? Where were those being handed out?
  10. Ya got that right. We’ve ALL been trying to transform BillStime into becoming even the tiniest bit more civil but with seemingly no luck at all! 😂😂😂
  11. She was hilarious. If you listened to her long enough you could pretty much answer everyone’s problems yourself. People are simple creatures. (Regardless of what they currently say about skin color, creed, etc)
  12. I’m not stalking you. I comment regularly on this board about all sorts of topics. And if I can block you, then you can also block yourself. How about you just try for a second to stop the juvenile name calling? I’m sure even you can do it. 👍
  13. Thanks…. I will definitely make it a point to. So does that mean you’ll take a break from turning every discussion into your personal toilet? Can you give it for Lent?
  14. You know it’s funny but I used to listen to Dr Laura on the radio and time and time again she would ask people who’d call to complain about their spouse ‘are they different now than when you married them’? They’d ALWAYS answer no. So she’d ask why are you desperate to transform them now?! She always made a ton of sense.
  15. Never crossed my mind. Have you thought about posting on this board with something more worthy of an adult? This is NOT your personal port-a-potty wall.
  16. There’s an awful of name calling on here lately. Can you’all have a conversation and just say you simply disagree with the other person’s opinion?
  17. We’ve definitely found some common ground. I’m no expert on the Florida law but I’m pretty darn sure it’s not the boogie man that it’s being made out to be. Teachers (of which I’m sure you’re a good one) need to stick to the curriculum. They have no expertise whatsoever in these matters…even if they have the best of intentions at heart. Period.
  18. I agree with you the words thing but in an open hearing I’ll cut anyone some slack. It’s a lot of pressure. The right to bear arms is of course not a natural right. It’s a right created by the Founders to protect the people from those who seek to overturn the natural rights (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness). Those same natural rights are at the center of the abortion debate. Nobody has the right to overturn the natural right to life. Nobody!
  19. I’m not sure that’s what she’s saying…although I have to admit I’m only going off of the quote that was posted. She’s absolutely correct that it will be up to the Court to interpret nuances of those constitutional rights when brought before them. It’s certainly not up to Congress or the President.
  20. Then we agree. He’s free to be a free press and expressing his opinion doesn’t make him either a traitor or a Russian agent. Excellent John!
  21. You’re not getting the point of my comment or the law. There’s a protocol to followed here and should be followed no matter how much you think you know about the parents. Now…I’m not saying the parents should not be in the loop…but the classroom teacher is not the first line of communication nor should the classroom teacher be espousing his or her opinion on this or a whole host of topics to their students. It’s not the LEAST bit complicated.
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