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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. What? You think the entire medical establishment is purposely ignoring the problem of miscarriages? Sure they are. That makes sense. Again…ridiculous!
  2. What! You do realize that the SC doesn't make rulings straight down party lines.....right?
  3. Honest Question: What's the point of this message board if you're only going to talk with people who agree with you?
  4. What? A miscarriage is a natural occurrence, often because something is wrong with pregnancy. You want to prevent them? Can this get any more ridiculous?!!
  5. I appreciate your concern. I’m good!
  6. Actually…you didn’t. But you know that. And everything you know about how this country works couldn’t fill a thimble.
  7. Nice book report there precious. (Yawn) Now address my point.
  8. Hey! Bernie promised a minimum of $15 per hour. What gives? 😉
  9. You’re completely fixated on McCarthy (who I really don’t care for actually) but are totally silent on Kamala calling the President a racist prior to the election and then kissing his behind to take a job as the national court jester. Interesting…but predictable.
  10. Of course Trump is an ‘elite’….so? Did you think he was going to come over an unplug your drain?
  11. The protestors are BREAKING FEDERAL LAW! Start arresting these thugs.
  12. I’m confused. Black women now aspire to being the secretary for a white male executive? If you say so!
  13. What’s your fixation with the money? You think everyone is doing everything for free? You don’t think Rachel Maddow gets paid? All she does is sit on her arse and read a DNC provided teleprompter.
  14. We’re going to have to ask the President then because he sure as hell called it a CHILD!
  15. You like using that term. You do understand that it’s a human zygote…right?
  16. Nope…doesn’t ring a bell. You’re gonna have to be more specific. Vegetable, animal or mineral?
  17. Hey!!! I thought I was your precious.
  18. So what you’re saying is that you eat “a lot” of food. 😉 👍
  19. Yes but they’ll ALWAYS have Billsy!
  20. So it’s this tweeters opinion that women are having abortions because they don’t get paid leave ? 😂😂😂
  21. I wouldn’t define it that way in every circumstance
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