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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like an article that points to attacking the symptom instead of the disease. ...or maybe the effect instead of the cause.
  2. Does this Rachel person think she gets points for the number of symbols she puts on her Twitter feed. What a ridiculous person.
  3. Nonsense….we all know you’re inferior but we still treat you equally with everyone else on here. 😉
  4. You’re more than free to speak. Your comments are my daily break from reality. Keep them coming…..always good to know what new crisis to light my hair on fire over each morning! Maybe you could start posting a weekly forecast…just so I don’t reach a premature climax.
  5. Cupcake Sunshine Precious Idiots Isn't it time for you to get back to class? Or are is it recreation time in the ward?
  6. thank goodness you’re here to keep everyone in check we need you on that wall
  7. I’m guessing you’re not aware that the criticism is coming from her previous on air statements made while on a rival network….or do you ONLY see skin color?
  8. So it’s your position that one person in the media can’t give an opinion on another person in the media? Really?
  9. This morning my Google feed out here in Los Angeles from a Rams website says they’ve announced the Bills will indeed play them in the Opener.
  10. Looks like the Pats Ownership feel they need to lure fans to their over priced games now that they’re not a lock to win the division anymore. We’ll see if it works.
  11. Once again Tibs, in case you missed the first 1,000 posts…you don’t have the right to end someone’s life.
  12. I’m sure that’s not the only indicator but even if it is, why do you suppose we have the mortality rate we do?
  13. So let me see if I’ve got this right….Trump supporters wanted Trump to win. Am I close?
  14. What ever happened to that magical release of oil from the petroleum reserve? Are we done with that? Did it work? 😂
  15. You do understand that the court hears all sorts of cases every year…right? They do not agree or descent down party lines on every one of them. In fact they’re not considered to be in a Party at all.
  16. Thanks your concern…I’m fine actually! I’ve yet to burn anything down, topple a statue, loot a liquor store or anything close.
  17. 👍That’s of course the amount, not the percentage rate. Biden’s going to go after the rate. Got to feed the beast!
  18. Biden’s going to come out and say things are moving in a POSITIVE direction. 👍
  19. Dickie….don’t blame me. You took it down this odd cul-de-sac. Let’s see who ends up being right. The American people simply cannot take week after week of outrage. These stories all tend to burn themselves out. We’ve all seen it, time and time and time again.
  20. So if I’m reading these last few pages correctly the Left has already moved on from trying to promote abortion to instead trying to stop miscarriages? Well this latest week of ‘hair on fire’ liberal outrage didn’t last very long. Next?
  21. We might as well raise taxes…it’s the only thing HASN’T gone up in the last six months.
  22. Shocking…newsflash! Trump's supporters wanted the vote to be recounted to show that he won. In a word…..WOW!
  23. Did Putin ask Trump to take him out?
  24. Sounds to me like you’ve got a career path laid out for yourself. Become a doctor and get to work.
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