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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And you have a theory about why so many whites, Hispanics, and Asians live in poverty? Let’s hear it.
  2. Yes, the country would be so much better if the Democrats held the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. Maybe, one day!
  3. “What the American people is going through”? We have to be kidding…right? Please tell me the Press Secretary for the President of the United States didn’t use such obviously incorrect grammar? Please?
  4. This single statement has set your reputation way, way back on this Board. I'm going to chalk it up to being an unartful, and lazy over generalization.
  5. Close to $6.50 out here in Southern California. We all need another national two weeks to bend the curve!
  6. Sheeesh….Trump wasn’t President for four weeks dude. If he was going to be responsible for the end of the world as your gang likes to suggest….exactly how much time did he need to do it? Five years? Is that what you figure? Give me a break.
  7. Oh brother…..is there a more acceptable way to provide emphasis that you prefer? I hate to offend your sensitive keyboard.
  8. And yet in FOUR YEARS of a Trump administration Putin attacked exactly…nobody! Are you people living in a fantasyland? 2016 called and they want their foreign policy back!
  9. It’s pretty simple really: What’s something worth? Answer…what people are willing to pay for it. The sooner in life you learn this simple fact, the better off you’ll be.
  10. Anyone remember “I’m going Washington to impeach the mother f—-er”? Classic!
  11. You better throw it fast. I’m guessing she’s headed straight over to MSNBC with Peppermint Patty and the rest of the “truth squad”.
  12. You’re one of the main reasons I stop by here. It reminds me to vote for and support virtually everybody you disparage. It’s very centering! Thanks for providing us all with a reason to smile each and every day. It’s appreciated. He’s my happy place.
  13. All good points. My comment is in reference to the term ‘lock’. I can see the classic change of scenery swap happening. Is it likely? Probably not. However is Epenesa a ‘lock’…again probably not.
  14. Everyone's forgotten. The man wasn't even in office yet! And it went all the way up until Nancy tore up the State of the Union address on national television. Democracy....my arse!
  15. Day after day, week after week, month after month....and yet BillStime has not swayed a single person's mind or point of view with any of this partisan twitter garbage. But by golly he'll keep right on in there fighting for his Masters in democratic party.
  16. It's worse than that! An entire contingent of Democrats boycotted Trump's inauguration! And THEY support 'democracy'? Sure they do!
  17. I'm curious whether anyone think "AJE" would have any trade/swap value? I think it's happened in the past where teams swap young players who may not fit their scheme or roster spots at the time. In this example the Bills would be looking to swap for a young CB or OL who another team either hasn't seen the amount of development they'd hoped or who is on a stacked roster so won't get any playing time. I'm not voting for this....but more reacting to those saying he's a "lock" to be on the final 53.
  18. If true, it proves that the Biden Administration can't even screw up without screwing it up. To quote Irv....WHAT A MESS!
  19. Congratulations....you've now assumed the role of Class Clown. The torch has been passed. (Billsy? Where are you?)
  20. You must’ve missed the last six years of Hillary going around the country saying the same thing. Or doesn’t she count?
  21. Not really. These are just words. The President can use whatever words he wants to describe it. I think what you’re referring to is what the legal system will choose to prosecute it as….which is completely different.
  22. Which ticket agency/site did you go through?
  23. If as you say Trump got a recount then aren’t they exactly the same thing?
  24. Funny you mention that. I was walking down the street in Palm Springs sometime in early 2017 and there were a bunch of women in the middle of the street, disturbing the peace with a loud protest of the 2016 election. It made no sense to me. Hillary won California by a landslide....and Palm Springs tends to be a really progressive city. I was dying to yell out to them that they should take their protest to the heartland....but my wife said to leave them alone. 😂
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