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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So you’re saying we have a chance? SWEET!
  2. Who? Biden? You’re right…I don’t support him. We agree.
  3. This must be an excellent opinion. After all, we he has a Ukrainian flag next to his name!
  4. The department of public health is allowed to put up signs encouraging illegal behavior? Does the department of transportation have similar billboards encouraging speeding? Start slow. Test your limits.
  5. Keep repeating the lies. I’m SURE someone without access to the internet will eventually believe you.
  6. People please! Don’t make BillStime come in here and start asking completely ridiculous questions of everyone!!!! 😉
  7. Just have an event where they recognize the league’s all pro team and be done with it! They’ve made the draft into a HUGE four day party and nobody has any expectation that a football game will break out. Why not do the same with the All Pro selection?
  8. What ticket service did you use?
  9. Looks to me like good ‘ol Beto is yet another domestic terrorist disrupting a local public meeting. Where’s the attorney general when we really need him?
  10. On the contrary…I think he did really well for about two minutes, and then, like usual he got mad and frustrated. Hey Mr President! You’re not a stupid Senate Committee anymore. Gather a joint session together and get to work!!!!!
  11. And I assume you’ll also start a thread entitled: Let’s take a moment to honor the sacrifice of our millions of babies who lay down their lives for your right to kill them while they lay sleeping in the womb. 716…is this REALLY necessary?
  12. He almost immediately pivoted from sympathy for the families to an assault weapon ban. It seemed like an opportunity squandered to me. That’s it, Joe? Pass an assault weapon ban and then we’re good to go? Wouldn’t this be the time for Congress get their collective butts into the office, roll up their sleeves, and get to work?
  13. Thanks. I’m really not a gun advocate…at all. So if you’re correct, why did the President make his ranting statements last night? Why not propose some legislation that would actually have an impact?
  14. We’re all dying to hear your list of ‘improvements’ Senator.
  15. As I’ve stated….I’m really not a gun guy, but in this instance what difference would the ‘assault ban’ have made to the unarmed little kids in that classroom? Could the shooter not have been able to do the same, or similar, damage with a couple of hand guns?
  16. The constitution is manufactured?
  17. It is a good idea, but unlike a driver’s license or car registration which can only be requested upon a violation of some kind, unless the government is going to illegally search your house for the fire arm, how is this to be enforced. Most of these shootings are not done by people who’ve had an expired gun sitting in their dresser drawer for twenty years.
  18. I’m going to throw this out there just so maybe you’ll stop the hate. And please know…I’m not a gun person: For the past month the Left has been losing it over their manufactured ‘right’ to kill innocent pre born children. Now, the Left wants to throw the entire Right under the bus over their actual right to bear arms. The solution to both problems lies with our elected officials. Leaving it up to the citizens to scream at each other on a message board just shows how utterly feckless Congress really is.
  19. Can you imagine how hard it must be to walk into the White House every Monday morning and convince/remind yourself that you have to sell this crap to the American people, day after day after day?
  20. Once again Fake News....this court jester doesn't have the obligatory Ukrainian flag next to her Twitter tag line.
  21. I was simply using your words (tense)....not mine. And there is nothing hateful about anything that I've said. I guarantee that there are MILLIONS of people who have come to this country with virtually nothing in their pockets. What did we do to 'catch them right up".....we provided a free society with opportunities that do not rely on their birthright or skin color. I'm sorry if you don't like to hear it but nobody is going to be paying for this nonsensical narrative you're trying desperately to write. Of course, in a free society, you are more than welcome to put your money in the plate when it comes by.
  22. Excellent point. In recent years the NBA has transitioned away from the traditional big man roster, to a more diversified starting five made up of a bunch of 6’-6” guys. It’ll be interesting to see if the NFL does the same thing and begins to emphasize versatility. It’d really change the way you build your roster.
  23. Huh? “Billionaires like Trump” don’t write the tax code…Congress does. What you call a loop hole is slang for the law of the land, and I’m pretty sure you use ‘loop holes’ yourself. Your ire is misplaced. Whether you know it or not, you’re pushing g for a flat tax…which I would also prefer.
  24. This group succeeds or fails with the new O Line coach…period. (With the exception of Saffold, it’s essentially the same unit from last year, so it’s gunna be pretty easy to tell if I’m right.)
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