You can even access memes from detention. You’re almost ready to go out in the world and make something of yourself. Is there someone at the junior high I can speak to in order to advocate on your behalf. You’re going to make a fine adult!
You’re preaching to the choir. These people are religious zealots. It’s really that simple.
My response was purely rational. Nothing triggered here…champ.
Wrong, respectfully. They know exactly what they’re doing. Joe doesn’t, but they do. You have to break it all down before you can ‘transition’ to a transformed America.
I find it interesting. As a kid growing up in the 1960s and 70s we all dreamed of being able to see all the games. Now that you can, all I read is complaining about the cost. I had to listen to the games on a transistor radio! Sunday Ticket is the bomb!!!
Right wing radio? Keep your shirt on Tibs…I’m responding to somebody who apparently doesn’t know what a favor is….and by his spelling I’m guessing he’s not an American.
You’re insane. Asking for a favor is the exact OPPOSITE of bribery. It means you’d like some help in exchange for NOTHING.
Something done out of goodwill, as an act of kindness, rather than from justice or remuneration.