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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. For the one thousandth time: Thread titles need to be more specific…dammit! Who’s this Diggs person? 😉
  2. You may be right but this sure feels like the perfect year to stockpile Draft Picks.
  3. It was just another year to me. It’s funny how things have gone for Bills fans over the many years. In the Super Bowl era we couldn’t match up with the NFC East. In the Brady era we couldn’t get out of our Division because of NE’s absolute dominance. And now, we can’t get out of the AFC because of the same with the Chiefs. But….I’ll take the winning over the soul wrenching boredom of 7-9 any day of the week. Go Bills
  4. I’m no expert but I really can’t remember a year when a Bills position of need seemed as well stocked in a particular draft class. Certainly not since the latest playoff run has had them picking near the end of the First Round. Feels like the year to sit tight and see who’s sitting there when our number comes up…which also just happens to work out well for our Cap issues.
  5. Next time….come with us. We all had an absolute blast!
  6. Agree, which is why I focus on the very end of the game. Everything else before that would’ve changed the back and forth strategy of both teams. So in the case of the Bills v Chiefs it all came down to maintaining the ball control strategy that had worked for pretty much the entire game. We had them exactly where we wanted them. We had the ball, at home, deep in their territory, with a chance to run the clock down to practically nothing (or at least less than 13 seconds)….but inexplicably we diverted from the strategy that got us exactly where we wanted to be. I have absolutely no idea why but the result is we’re playing golf three weeks too early.
  7. Ha! Small potatoes! I saw a story the other day where some gal in Purchasing recently stole over $100 MILLION from the US Military and bought dozens of houses and cars. I mean….WTF!
  8. Agreed, and my preferred WR2 route tree is not a guy who runs deep downfield on every play trying to ‘take the top off’ the defense. Give me a taller kid who can make the contested catch and get us a first down. And then let’s see if an offseason under Brady’s system will get Josh to find the open guy….because as we’ve all seen they’re there on virtually every single play.
  9. Gunner….And what pieces (plural) would those be? Josh has everything he needs with the exception of a WR2 and the possible resigning of his RB2. His OLine, TE, WR1, Slot WR, and RB1 are all cast in stone for 2024. .
  10. I see people say stuff like this all the time. If going into Sunday you would know that the Bills would have the ball deep in Chiefs territory and with the win in the hands of their Super Star at HOME, I’m betting both you and I would take that circumstance all day, every day!
  11. Yes we do. But I pray to God we don’t go after some speed dude with concrete for hands!
  12. I must’ve been watching a different game against the Chiefs. The Bills did NOT lose because of their injuries on defense. They lost because when it came down to their final offensive drive, they had the ball…at home….in Chiefs territory and failed to get the First Down that would’ve iced the victory. They played the entire season to put themselves in that very position, and they failed.
  13. I’ve generally been of the mindset that the coach better be able to adapt ‘his’ offense to the talent he has on the roster. And I REALLY hope we don’t get distracted by some supposed deep threat guy. This is not Al Davis’ old NFL.
  14. As has been said in countless threads the Bills are in need of serious help at WR, Safety and Interior D Line. Beyond that it’s going to be a crap shoot, with a significant dependence on Draft picks given their current Cap situation.
  15. Just saw a photo of him driving around Laguna with her. The offseason has officially begun.
  16. Which is exactly why I said he better use the extra time to study up on those obvious shortcomings. If not, it’s nothing more than rinse and repeat.
  17. Well considering we have just about nobody under contract besides Milano, Tre and Von, you might just get your wish.
  18. As many know I’m far from a McD fan but I think this has to be agood move. McD biggest flaw is REALLY poor in-game management of clock, time outs and general strategy. I’ve got to think taking DC play calling off of his to do list can only help him there. That’s of course assuming that McD seeks help to study the lacking skill set I listed above. Let’s hope and pray!
  19. But you see that’s just the issue. You and many others always believe that some other team is going to overpay for players we know aren’t anything special. So wouldn’t that also mean that the Bills are going to do likewise for other team’s cast offs? I can see a bad scheme fit, like a zone CB versus a man CB, but I don’t think the problem with AJE is scheme fit.
  20. The Bills HAVE won with McD. They just haven’t won the championship. In fact they haven’t even made the Superbowl. You can look under every rock that you want for the roster stud that’ll get them those last couple of wins in January but it isn’t going to make any difference if there isn’t a change at HC. Now, please understand it’s been a great few years for sure, but get used to more of the same.
  21. This is an equation with multiple variables so if you remember your math training it’s a bit challenging to solve…unless you simply substitute an assumption for one of the variables. The Bills have done extremely well the past many seasons with their player personnel. The results (wins, playoff consistency, stats, etc) speak for themselves. But, to compare it to the Chiefs, and I’d throw in the Patriots during the Brady era, the missing variable in your equation is Coaching. The answer to winning it all is not finding another superstar somewhere on the roster. It’s pairing your superstar QB with a head coach that’ll make the right game day decisions at the crucial time.
  22. Well done! I have no idea what you do or did for a living but I’m glued to these posts every year. Your research and writing style are both top notch! I’m not going to comment on the specific picks or order but I’d love your comments on the overall trends and tendencies in this year’s draft class. For example there are no RBs or LBs in the first round. Is that because of the college class or do you just think the League has evolved away from them? PS: Even though I said I wouldn’t comment, I did my graduate work at USC so watch them pretty consistently. Their defense has been beyond TERRIBLE for the last few years so if Beane can find an actual NFL starter amongst those totally inept losers he gets my vote as Genius of the Decade!
  23. With the relentless hunt for quality coaching, especially in the Rooney Rule era, I’m frankly a bit shocked we haven’t heard his name mentioned way more often in the past few weeks.
  24. I find these discussions very interesting. Very few folks on here want to keep Epenesa because they’re certain he’ll get a big pay bump from some other team….yet somehow they don’t think the same thing is true for the quality and pay scale that applies to guys from the other 31 teams. Now, I’m not saying they should get into a bidding war for Epenesa but I’m also not convinced the rest of the league wants to either.
  25. Thats where we differ I guess. Football has evolved into a possession game. You can see it with Mahomes and Kelce. Just keep the ball, pick up the first downs, and if it’s close you go for it on fourth down. Keep the chains moving and for goodness sake’s do NOT give the ball back to your opponent. I’m not a huge fan on this newest evolution because it’s become akin to the NBA but if that’s what the league has become, let’s be REALLY good at it.
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