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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Another outstanding response from the guy who blames angry men but then refuses to even guess as to what they’re angry about. Nice job Tibs.
  2. Thanks…And in the spirit of grown up conversation, what would you suggest? For example…I have no objection to raising the age to purchase a firearm to 21.
  3. Thanks…and is the homicide weapon of choice an ‘assault rifle’? Mind you, I’m not a gun guy in the slightest. My questions are honest ones.
  4. This is the danger of States taking federal money to backfill their K12 school systems. It's been the plan all along. Get States dependent on federal funding for lunches, etc, and then start dictating the Education/Curriculum policies.
  5. I'll assume what you're saying is true. But if so, then shouldn't there also be rampant gun violence in Gary, Indiana....and all across Indiana for that matter? (I have no idea if there is.)
  6. Morning Tibs….now you’re just being silly.
  7. What does any of this have to do with the Bills getting Zach Ertz?
  8. So you’re not going to answer. Classic
  9. The World According to Tibs: We have angry men with access to guns. Since men have always had access to guns, then I can only guess according to you, the difference must be that men are more angry? Care to speculate as to why men are more angry?
  10. What I find hilarious is that Billsy continues calling the 80% of the country that believes we’re headed in the wrong direction a ‘cult’. 😂😂
  11. So, you don't want to answer your premise about why men/people are angry? (No idea what the reference to talk radio is about.)
  12. Well I'm pretty sure that I'm "us"....are you "them"? 😉
  13. Keep posting your twitter garbage Toots! But...it might help if you read some of them before you do your Copy and Paste dance.
  14. And now we know the rest of the story. All of this is intentional to bring on the Great Transition. Well done, Amtrak Joe!
  15. YOU said men!!! Don’t be an arse Tibs. So let me ask you again, why do YOU think men are angry? (Your premise, not mine.)
  16. Didn’t read through all of this but the best thing that happened to the Bills offense in the playoffs was using Singletary as a check down option over the middle. He was wide open in front of the dropping coverage LBs and Allen just kept feeding it to him. Reminded me of the Thurman days. I’m hoping we see way more of that in 2022. It’s pretty much unstoppable.
  17. Ugh. Not trying to be profound Tibs. I cited your post. Why do YOU think people are angry enough to kill people for seemingly no sane reason? What’s caused the change? Social media? Lack of mental care? Video games? Pick one or provide another.
  18. Why would it be odd that all three branches were involved? The Executive Branch is up for election, the Legislative Branch certifies the election, and the Judicial Branch gets involved (see Bush/Gore) when something may be amiss. Seems EXACTLY like the way the process is designed to work.
  19. We can reconstruct that disaster but I understood it as the loosening of the financial wherewithal requirements for people to purchase homes, after which those sketchy loans were bundled, sold and resold until the music stopped and unknowing lenders/investors were left holding the hot potatoes.
  20. Since we’ve always had access to guns, the operative question then would be why are so many men so angry?
  21. You can even access memes from detention. You’re almost ready to go out in the world and make something of yourself. Is there someone at the junior high I can speak to in order to advocate on your behalf. You’re going to make a fine adult!
  22. I’ll bring you back some cheap gas! Just had lunch and paid next to nothing in sales tax.
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