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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. The technical term is concrete…not cement. Cement is the powder that when mixed with sand, aggregate, and water becomes concrete. 😉
  2. These issues are not unique. The biggest difference is that the bigger the population, the higher the density. With higher density there are challenges in design that don’t exist in lower density projects. Publicly funded and subsidized housing is no different from private housing. It comes down to money, creativity, and space.
  3. Most lay people don’t know it but in many, if not all, public housing projects most of the things on your list are dictated by the contracting office. The ‘design’ architect has very little freedom. Sad really, but it’s done that way to control costs and establish standards.
  4. Thanks! I didn’t recall the story. Once again, Republicans are literally horrible at the game of politics. Every single Republican member of the committee should have had her picture on the Dias in front of them during the recent confirmation hearings. It would’ve made everyone in the media have to explain to the public who that lady was/is.
  5. Tibs: Another resident internet expert. No…I lecture all over the country on design…and yes it matters. What I said is that the scope and budget parameters of a government housing project are not established by the Architect. The architect is given a density, a budget, and all sorts of maintenance and material requirements that must be met. The architect takes those parameters and makes the project BETTER, not worse. Good design can do wonders, but it has its limits
  6. Did Bush nominate a black woman some years ago? If true, I honestly don’t recall it. And again if true, where was all this historical moment rhetoric back then?
  7. I’m an architect!!!! I know what the heck design is and does.
  8. Don’t blame the architect. I don’t decide how many units are required per acre. That’s dictated by the government/ client. Making the budgetary math work on these sort of projects is VERY difficult. In general these are not designed to be long term residential solutions.
  9. Yeah, yeah, yeah…but is the State budget “ironclad”?
  10. Did anyone sneak in an amendment for a dome? 😂
  11. Somebody was opining that the money would be better spent on childrens’ programs. My response was that public construction funding is even better than that. Construction is at its heart a blue collar jobs program, where the vast majority of the money is spent and goes right back into the local economy. Apparently it was wrong of me to hold that position. Again…I have no idea why, when as I’ve said I have direct and significant expertise in these matters.
  12. I apologize…there’s no need for DRs Ghost to call anyone a moron. The facts are self evident. We good? 😉
  13. There’s a poster over there relentlessly screaming that NY State shouldn’t kick in on the costs of the stadium. To that I simply suggested that this person vote for different State leadership next time. That was apparently wrong of me. I have no idea why. Seemed to me like the only thing this person could do about it.
  14. Funny you mentioned this in the moderator thread. I got privately chastised by a moderator on the football side for extolling the benefits of public construction funding. While others drone on and on unimpeded about how rotten the billionaire Pegulas are. And as far as I can tell I’m the one with a FORTY YEAR resume on the topic. Odd.
  15. I don’t blame your brother in law. His fear was purposely imposed on him by ‘experts’ who knew better but sold the fear anyway.
  16. I don’t mind simple posts even when copied and pasted. I can choose to read them or not. But I draw the line when it gets reduced to name calling, like another infamous poster is prone to do. We can all disagree from time to time but it doesn’t mean the other person is an idiot, freak, or POS….if you get my drift.
  17. Knowing Trump, he will run them in circles. If the Committee's smart, they'll threaten to, but never actually call him in. Just like Joe should've never let Obama steal the spotlight.
  18. Exactly. An unchecked invasion in Ukraine is what comes from all of this. Everything is connected.
  19. Oligarch: "A very rich business leader with a great deal of political influence." The Media likes to throw that word around as if it only applies to Russia. Most Americans have no idea that here, we have the same, but better defined as: "A very rich political leader with a great deal of business influence"
  20. So I watched pretty good interview on CNN while running at the gym this morning. They were interviewing some dude representing the European Union. When asked why the EU wasn't doing more to help their neighbor, Ukraine, the guy starts waffling all over the place (I burst out laughing on the treadmill)....and he then tells the interviewer that the US must understand the EU is very intertwined with Russia, so it's "complicated" for them. You've got be kidding me! Where's Tibs when we need him? These are not serious people.
  21. Stop with the talking points. They have “access to health care”. They can’t afford the INSURANCE. That’s different.
  22. It’s way worse. Think about it: They impeached a sitting President for asking legitimate questions about corruption that we now KNOW was really going on.
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