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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. After scanning through the pages of responses it’s clear that last night’s latest impeachment trial clearly moved the needle……not.
  2. It’s called concern. Whether you like it or not we have a community of posters on here, and we can all read trending in each other’s posts. Again, hope you’re well.
  3. Keep smiling Tibs. You seem very uptight lately. I hope everything’s OK.
  4. Tucker Carlson’s on television every night of the week for an hour and you had to go back four years to find something he said that you believe he was wrong about? Alrighty then.
  5. You are correct....to see major change you have to change the Constitution. But, age/maturity is definitely a factor though, and it's easy to enforce. Age is not subjective (even if apparently gender now is). I'm willing to start with raising the age and I'm guessing the vast majority of the American people would agree with me. Instead, nothing is going to happen...and we should all be ashamed of that.
  6. You’re clearly very emotional about this topic. I’m not. I see no problem with my suggestion and I believe it should be an easy step to take and monitor. I’m also not opposed to background checks but our collective national experience is that relying huge federal agencies to accomplish these type of checks without them either becoming totally useless or super simple to get around is yet another ‘feel good’ answer but will accomplish very little other than providing another way for Washington to monitor the citizenry….but that’s just me.
  7. I’ve made a very specific suggestion multiple times on here. I want them to raise the age to purchase any firearm to 21. Simple, done.
  8. Good thing I never pushed ‘confirm’ on that jersey order. Dodged a bullet on that one!
  9. Chef….by page 353….we should be beyond talking points. I’d like to hear more specific proposals. Like, what kind of background checks and for who and when?
  10. It’s a total scorched earth party. Can’t wait to send Nancy packing in November.
  11. Nobody is whitewashing anything…but thanks for stopping by to tell everyone to go **** themselves. Classy
  12. 80% of the country believes we’re headed in the wrong direction since this senile nitwit took the oath and yet our ‘leaders’ think anyone gives a rats arse about this now. Unbelievable
  13. Keep your sense of humor Tibs…if you have one.
  14. By God....do you really mean Putin? 😉
  15. Just like everything else...the demand for 'background checks' is nothing more than a easy-to-type talking point. What will be checked? Who gets to determine your rights in the grey areas? Have the existing checks proven ineffective? Would the existing checks have stopped the recent shootings? Serious people see what's going on here....and the talking points are NOT serious.
  16. People please....let's all just agree that the most powerful man in the world should be considered blameless on inflation (and everything else)....and instead lay all of the responsibility at the feet of some dude on the other side of the planet that apparently is the one actually in control of everything? It's so much easier!
  17. They were NOT trying to overturn the will of the people. They were led to believe that the election was a fraud. But you know that.
  18. I’m not opposed to background checks but if you’re truly trying to see results I wouldn’t put your eggs in that one process-heavy basket. Instead, or along with, simply raise the legal age to purchase a firearm. It’s way easier, and requires zero administrative oversight.
  19. Still not sure what this radio fixation is all about but I believe this was a protest that simply got WAY out of hand. They were not trying to overthrow anything, but rather trying to slow the rush to confirm the results of the election….not reverse the results. I know I’ll never convince you and I’m certainly not in favor of, nor do in any way support what those people did that day.
  20. Tibs…it’s a great talking point but will it really do anything? How much of a ‘background’ does an 18 year old have? As I’ve said before…I’m not a gun guy. Given the most recent trend in younger shooters I’m all in favor of simply raising the age to 21…for everyone.
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