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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thanks...I wouldn't know Bobby Hart from the man in the moon, except that on this very Message Board smarter people than me spoke so badly about him that I made it a point to watch him in what may have been the last preseason game. He was literally terrible. The true definition of a turnstile. Now...I'm sure he's a very nice man, but it's truly hard for me to believe that there aren't more capable guys floating around America somewhere....maybe not?
  2. We’ll show that dastardly Putin! We’ll start dipping into our petroleum savings account! That’ll fix it. Ugh!
  3. Huh? I purposely focused on Hart when he played for the Bills last year. No matter how you describe it he was literally nothing short of terrible! I’m not sure what more anyone wants to see for this guy. And yes, I’d much rather give an unknown kid a shot.
  4. Bruce Smith was a beast. Unbelievable athlete, and maybe the best defensive player all time. Sure he was young once, but if you watch that show you’ll see the inspirational man he’s grown into. I think people forget how young these players really are.
  5. With so many rookies that’ll go undrafted it’s really hard for me to see how Hart makes any sense. Why not just bring in a kid? Who knows? Maybe you’ll discover someone.
  6. I’m sensing a more personal connection to this one news story. I hope I’m wrong and that his extended family is ok.
  7. Great topic. I’m guessing expansion over relocation. What’s the oldest stadium, after the Bills new home opens? Seems like most of the older rust belts towns have recently built new facilities. Population centers are moving south.
  8. Speaking as the Architect among us, I’m sure real design didn’t start until the ironclad budget was established. Hard to complete renderings without a budget. The new stadium will be built in the parking lot. Parking will be a challenge during the two years of construction but games can still be held at ‘Rich’ Stadium
  9. You know I laughed when somebody first floated the Austin idea but I recently gave a seminar there and was honestly amazed at the size of downtown Austin. Dozens of new buildings and cranes everywhere…and of course the main University of Texas has been there for a century. That place is booming! (Great BBQ)
  10. Tibs....you are clearly really invested in the Ukraine story. I'm curious. Are you of Ukrainian descent? If so, I certainly hope all of your family members are OK.
  11. So then in 20+ years the stadium expense will be fully amortized and the cost be the proverbial drop in the bucket. Rich Stadium cost $20 million back in the mid 70’s. Does anyone even think about that expense? Nope! (Im old enough to remember when the original video scoreboard cost $1 million and everyone said yikes.) 😉 Not arguing....just two old people having a front porch discussion. (Picture rocking chairs and a cold beverage.)
  12. I’m not sure where you’re going with this. It feels like you’re running in circles. First, you think the current Owner got a sweetheart deal by not putting up all the money. Now, you think that the Owner, or any other future Owner, wouldn’t also see that as a great deal? Huh?
  13. Sure…why not? As you yourself said there are very few NFL stadiums in America. It’s a huge asset with a devoted fan base. There are numerous cities that have gone through it over the last many years.
  14. I’m not sure how old you are, but the NFL existed long before the Buffalo Bills.
  15. Why? First of all, the stadium will be in use for decades. Second, if the Bills walk away, who’s to say there won’t be a new tenant some years in the future? I’m just not getting your huge concern.
  16. Still not sure why ‘some’ on here find this to be controversial. Either the Bills move downtown and the State, County, and City help build the roads/utility infrastructure…or the Bills stay in OP (where the roads already exist) and the State helps build the actual stadium. Either way, the stadium and the roads belong to the community and the Bills can’t take them with them should the team one day leave. The concrete in the stadium is just dumb concrete. It doesn’t know whether it’s poured into the formwork of a road or a stadium. Relax!
  17. Stupid Trump! Everyone knows the right way to stage a coup is to make up a false story, leak it to the FBI, and then work from the inside to stage an impeachment. Yes….That’s a much more civilized way to overturn democracy! 😂😂😂
  18. Why do you think most people define themselves that way? Answer…because it’s the very essence of America. Stop spending my money! And, leave the adults alone to make their own decisions. In a nutshell.
  19. Somebody needs to call out his utter garbage.
  20. I’m hoping that the biggest offseason move they made was to change out the OL Coach. I’m certainly no expert on line play but somehow Brady has lasted for decades in this league with countless linemen protecting his arse. I’m guessing it has less to do with the players and way more to do with the coach. Go Bills
  21. I know you think this little meme is horrible. And I’m not saying it shows what you claim it does. But let me ask you….if you’re trying to do an impression of someone saying dumb stuff, how would you do it? You don’t think the reporter knows he has a disability? I’m sure he does. That doesn’t mean you’re mocking his disability. It means you’re mocking the dumb stuff he says. There’s a difference!
  22. So after the unarmed perpetrator was wrongfully shot by a police officer I’m assuming, just like with Mr Floyd, THAT was then the time to unleash the riot, looting, and begin to burn down the building…right? Or wait…no…I don’t recall anything like that happening in protest of the shooting. Did I miss it? Shouldn’t we be kneeling before sporting events? Shouldn’t we have placards in our windows? Shouldn’t the organizers be buying houses in Malibu?
  23. ‘You people’ crack me up! Everyone loves to take pot shots at everyone else’s tax rates so long as they aren’t in that bracket. In a nutshell….for those who missed it, or were still in junior high, Obama raised the tax rate on the uppermost wage earners on the premise that it was all for the cause during the Great Recession. The Trump tax cut brought the rate right back down again when the Recession was over. How is this difficult to understand?
  24. You mean the proper playbook isn’t to follow a guy dressed like a bear into the Capitol, stop to take selfies, and then leave the building? Is that the strategic coup you’re describing? I believe my class’s Senior Prank Day was more impactful….and nobody that I recall mistook it as a plot to take over the school.
  25. The alternative is the current regime’s solution…shorten the supply of fossil fuels in order to bring their price up so high they become equivalent to the inefficiency of renewables. Horribly uncreative, and yet another damaging setback to the lower and middle class.
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