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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It takes a significant amount of specific desensitization to ‘train’ soldiers to kill even armed enemy combatants let alone innocent unarmed civilians. The same is true for police officers. And all of these trained professionals carry guns. Most people think the training is all about teaching them who NOT to shoot, but in reality the training is just as much about fighting against the god given instinct to NOT kill other people. So…how or why do untrained people let go of that instinct and open fire in an elementary school? Mental illness? Possibly. But it’s more specific than that generalization. Mental hospitals are filled with people who pose no threat to attacking anyone but themselves. The urge to NOT harm other people is very very strong to overcome. But somehow these mass shooters become completely desensitized to committing extreme violence. Want to hazard a guess?
  2. Fitz may have gone to Harvard but there’s no way he can play safety in this league! Come on, man.
  3. So you’re saying we have a chance? SWEET!
  4. Raise the age to 21 And Require a training/gun safety class every three years after purchase. It won’t solve everything but it’s better than doing nothing and really shouldn’t bother anyone who’s a responsible owner.
  5. Bob…I agree. I see nothing wrong with people having to take a safety test every so many years. If nothing else it puts more emphasis on gun responsibility. And in my opinion it doesn’t negate the 2nd Amendment.
  6. The entire point of being a fan is to root for your team to do well. If this turns out to be THE year and you sit there with folded arms until February…you’re going to be really sad you missed the ride. And if you join in the fun, what’s the worst that can happen? Wide right? Music City Miracle? Thirteen Seconds? For me and my household we’re going to be cheering from the season opener.
  7. The root cause of gun violence is not guns. (And I always mention when I post in these threads that I’m not a gun owner.)
  8. I’m not claiming the election was stolen. I’m just not falling for this politically motivated sideshow. There’s a difference. (And for what it’s worth…it doesn’t matter whether everyone around the President was giving him different advice. He is/was the President. Not following the advice of your staff is neither a crime nor the sign of a bad leader.)
  9. Trust me sir….EVERYONE understands what’s going on here….but unlike the other 350 million Americans we aren’t hanging on every word of this farce as you appear to be with your color coded detailed rundown of the ‘fact finding’. You honestly don’t know that in every single criminal and civil trial the prosecution tells the jury ‘these are the facts’…honestly? I’m not trying to be mean but let’s not be silly.
  10. You have got to be kidding me. Your partisan colors are turning deeper blue every day. This is not the fault of a single person or party.
  11. Do you know ANYTHING about the American judicial system? Yes…most times when the defense doesn’t put on a defense, and isn’t allowed to question witnesses, and where the prosecution is allowed to splice together deposition segments…it makes the defendant look pretty ridiculous and generally pretty guilty. Luckily that’s NOT the system we have. Now it doesn’t always mean that the defense’s case would convince/sway the jury….but for heaven’s sake…calm down.
  12. I don’t want to get into a back and forth here….but Congress has two really important jobs to do: author legislation and allocate funds to carry it out. Unfortunately, they’ve decided instead to spend almost all of their time these days being the police department for the other two coequal branches. It’s one of the main reasons we have the structural problems we do. If Congress would get together and do their job there’d be a whole lot less policing required. (And I’m pointing the finger at both parties here!)
  13. Why are you so fixated on what I pay in taxes? You don’t see me complaining that you don’t pay anything. Shouldn’t it be the other way around ?
  14. You pass all the legislation you want but until you attack the root cause of the gun violence you’re only swatting at flies.
  15. Fascist, racist, white supremacist….the name calling list goes on and on.
  16. Right? It’s incredible what some players will do just to get a ring! 😉
  17. Exactly….after finally lifting the trophy, we go into full rebuilding mode. 😂
  18. I couldn’t agree more. Just raise the age to 21…no exceptions. It takes virtually no government oversight. We already did that for purchasing alcohol in my lifetime and WAY MORE people drink alcohol than own a gun. (And no exception for the military. Heck they’ll generally be 21 within a few weeks of getting out anyway.)
  19. At some point the talking points get a little kooky. These guys are trying to take over the government of a nuclear super power…and they’re worried about DC’s severe fire arms laws? 😂😂😂😂😂 To quote The Big Guy: “Come On Man!”
  20. Again we agree. The optics were horrible. With everything else the Dems tried to remove a sitting President from office, are you really surprised that anyone thought this was yet just another ‘trick’? You can love or hate Trump all you want, but what he endured from the establishment for four straight years was nothing short of appalling….and while there’s no way to know for sure, I’d take his Team back in the White House tomorrow morning over the current band of completely incompetent nitwits. As others have said: What a Mess!
  21. Sounds exactly like the mostly peaceful protestors who gathered to demonstrate in the preceding summer….no? There are forces at work at both ends of the political spectrum trying to tear this country apart from the inside. I’m not much into conspiracy theories but this looks and smells a lot like an ‘outside’ job.
  22. We disagree a bit here. I watched the results that night and there was clearly something amiss. Trump was ahead in a few key states and then the vote tally didn’t move for hours. We finally went to bed. I told the family…watch, and see if it doesn’t switch by morning…and sure enough it did. Now, that doesn’t prove anything but it sure as heck looked like those precincts were waiting to see how many votes they needed to sway the results. Biden supporters can tout some 80 million votes but we all know it comes down to only a few thousand in some cherry picked precincts. Stolen, rigged, or not….the election night optics are what fueled the fire! There’s no argument there.
  23. Exactly….but the difference is that the Trump campaign/Republicans hasn’t boycotted the inauguration, created a fake narrative impeachment, torn up the State of the Union, etc. ….to date they’ve just allowed the Biden Administration fall all over themselves unimpeded.
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