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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So prosecute him and the others sitting in a jail for months and months now. He has the right to a trial and a defense…no?
  2. As I said…okie dokie. “By force” ….I’m assuming that’s the guy in the bear suit taking selfies in the chamber?
  3. Postponing the recognition of electors is your definition of a coup? Okie Dokie
  4. You’re doing a great job. I’m only cautioning you against drawing the conclusions you’re so clearly desperate to make. Remember, we already know how this ended. Have a great weekend…seriously. And Happy Father’s Day if you are one or have one. 👍
  5. Let’s say that’s true. Wanting to do something that you know is illegal is not a crime. At least not yet anyway. The end.
  6. Thanks! In short, Trump and his legal team were looking at options available to them as a remedy for what they perceived was an injustice that had been done to them leading up to, during, and following the election ….and in the end they chose to do none of them. The end.
  7. Well since you’re clearly afraid to answer….I will. I believe Nancy miscalculated and got this thing rolling when she thought everything would be humming right along in the country with Uncle Joe at the helm. The plan was to milk this all the way until late 2023 when candidates were starting to position themselves for the next presidential primary season. With the country now a total mess, and viewership for the hearings a predictable flop, they’re simply stuck.
  8. It was a simple question Tibs. I’ve generally enjoyed discussions with you. So let me ask it again, if the clock is rapidly running out on the Democrats grip on this committee, and believe me they know that, then what’s going on here?
  9. So I’m curious Tibs. It’s clear that you lean heavily Left. And it’s also pretty clear that the window for Trump to be charged for these so called crimes is closing in about 150 days. If he’s not charged…what does that say about what’s going on here?
  10. Everyone knows why he had a rally. Are you the only one in the world that doesn’t?
  11. I’ve yet to figure that one out. The taxpayers pay for a perfectly good Oval Office and yet the Biden Administration decided to go to IKEA and make up another, less oval, one. Is the real one being painted?
  12. You claimed it was the wrong time for a protest. A friend of mine is wondering when is the right time? Not me….a friend of mine. 😉
  13. Asking for a friend: When is the appropriate day to hold a protest rally?
  14. By the guy.....do you mean Putin? The oil company executives? Bill Barr? The Rich? I'm having a hard time keeping up with who we're supposed to be blaming these days?
  15. The real question is whether Turkey's tentacles can reach across the ocean to cite those on this Message Board. Everyone knows it's a treasure trove of disinformation! BillsTime alone will be in a Turkish prison for many lifetimes to come. (Kidding Billsy....keep up the good work you're doing.....we need you on that wall!)
  16. Tibs....have you ever been deposed?
  17. This must be true....he has not one, not two, but THREE Ukrainian flags in his Twitter handle. Truly ridiculous people.
  18. This has now gotten beyond silly.....WHAT A MESS! Can we please get some people who actually know what the heck they're doing to run this country?
  19. This must be true....she has not one but TWO Ukranian flags on her Twitter handle. These are truly ridiculous people!
  20. He’s going to have resist the urge to jump offside at least once a game.
  21. I hear an awful lot about oil companies making record profits but a deeper dive into that generalized statement is most definitely required. Oil companies don’t make oil. They refine it into other products, like gasoline. So I’m guessing that their profit margin hasn’t changed all that much. But when the price they pay to buy crude oil goes up, their total profit does as well. The same is true for almost every industry. Again, I don’t know this for a fact, but I’d hesitate to make the blanket statements Biden likes to make. And…if Exxon makes even a 10% profit, how much impact does that really have on your price at the pump? Answer….50 cents…maximum!
  22. Once again….there is only one side presenting evidence here…so let’s not get too carried away with drawing conclusions. I know, I know, it’s not a trial! Tibs was closest when calling it a grand jury hearing, but I’ll caution him and others to remember that a grand jury is not televised and is not intended to taint the eventual national jury pool. So watch the hearings if you’d like, but don’t get drawn into making any statements of guilt. If you’ve ever been deposed in a court proceeding you’ll know why….I have.
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