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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’ll say it again…this is beyond ridiculous now! What our fearless and feeble leader forecasted as a small incursion has now gone on for two months with MILLIONS of innocent people fleeing their homes and HUNDREDS of buildings destroyed all over a large country. What the heck is going one here? Where are the adults? Where are the world’s diplomats? What are any of these people good for? Either get involved and stop this madness or get out and let it run it’s course. But to suggest you give a rats arse about the existential threat to ‘democracy’ while you dribble in the least amount of support as politically correctly possible while all the while buying gas from the aggressor is beyond pathetic.
  2. So you just stay out of it altogether. What we’re doing now is ridiculous.
  3. They wouldn’t use them ! Which is why our response to this unprovoked attack on a sovereign country has been nothing short of pathetic.
  4. I completely disagree. We’re watching a pretty nice country be shelled to dust for NOTHING….and not a single nuclear weapon has left the launch pad.
  5. So we’re paying millions and millions of my tax dollars for satellites and so called intelligence and we didn’t know their capabilities? Really? I’m guessing we actually did, and nobody wanted to say it. Far easier for the military industrial complex to sell arms if they can convince the legislature that Russia is a super power.
  6. You’re living in a time warp. Would you suggest that nobody in the US travel to Germany? Should Germany not be a member of NATO? That nation’s racially motivated extermination plan resulted in the murder of millions of innocent people…and all of that happened in just the last century. Do we ask Germany to take a knee at the Olympic Games? At the World Cup? Where is ANY of this going? There are no slave owners alive today and a good portion of the United States wasn’t even part of the country during the Civil War. And…a good portion of the part that was actually fought and DIED to confront and defeat it. Enough already!!!!
  7. Let’s say it was….now skip ahead in your textbook and you’ll see that the non racist side WON!!!
  8. Wait…what? Adam Schiff swore that they did find it! He saw it with his own eyes.
  9. Did anyone say something else? Where you’re getting pushback is that I believe many on here think you’re pushing the notion that the south was desperate to institutionalize “racism”. While similar, it’s not the same.
  10. So I guess the question is why doesn’t the west seem to know that?
  11. Holding slaves was not without cost to the slave owner. They provided clothing, housing, food, etc. That doesn’t make it good, but the labor wasn’t free. There’s clearly some truth to that but I think this entire debate is akin to the chicken and the egg. I’ve yet to read a single opinion on here defending either slavery or racism…so I remain confused as to what you want anyone to say.
  12. That's true....but it was not created to perpetuate some deep seated racism. As someone else here already said, it based on the economics of needing cheap labor. Which is the same reason why the Jewish people were forced to build bricks for Pharaoh. It's been the same with different people(s) all throughout history. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, and the significant lessening of the need for a large, manual labor force....things have changed. It's pretty simple really.
  13. The vast vast majority of people are moving to get far away from the California politics.
  14. You do understand there’s a difference between slavery and racism….right?
  15. Having a PLA in place has zero impact on cost overruns. The two are completely unrelated. Once the design is set and permits are pulled the vast vast majority of what lay people call cost overruns are caused by unforeseen conditions (unexpected ground water, excessive rain, etc), and by the Owners changing their minds about design issues and amenities during construction.
  16. See my post above and you’ll understand how this got so screwed up. If the various levels of government would stick to those basic principles and priorities we wouldn’t be bouncing back and forth with tax policy changes every time the White House changes hands.
  17. We definitely need a class on taxes in this country. Maybe continuing education credit for taxpayers…and/or voters. In general: Federal income tax is supposed to pay for the military to defend us all. State income tax is supposed to pay for education. Sales and property taxes are supposed to pay for police and fire. Those simple principles have been virtually destroyed by our elected officials who knowingly co-mingle funds in the hopes of wooing votes.
  18. I’m typically way more interested in the draft. I have to admit that may be somewhat because last year was a real head scratcher for me with Beane going DL in the first two rounds. This year, in no particular order, it’s got to be CB, WR, OL, RB, and LB. Outliers will be a S and a P. It doesn’t really matter to me which round we’ll see which position. When you’re drafting down as far as the Bills have earned by winning it all becomes a word salad of guys I’ve never even heard of.
  19. There are corners everywhere in design. With few exceptions, no projects have unlimited budgets. The Bills Stadium already has one. The architects will make a hundred decisions every day about what can and cannot be included in the final design. It’s what we’re trained to do. As I’ve mentioned previously on here, Populous is known for producing very contemporary designs. I’m not sure how appropriate that is for suburban WNY and I’m a bit concerned that they’ll produce what we call an ‘object building’ and thus be forced to cut the functional corners that Bills fans would prefer over some iconic structure only visible by the relatively few people who attend home games.
  20. A military base, like a post office, is on federal land and staffed with federal employees. The rest of the country isn’t subsidizing anything. (Not a good example.)
  21. Any chance you’ll sit there quietly while ‘we wait’? Asking for a whole bunch of friends.
  22. Sure! Literally hundreds of thousands of people fought and died so they could continue being racists. Yeah….that sounds right. 🙄
  23. So it’s your theory that a bunch of racist southern white dudes said ‘hey…we hate black people, let’s sail to the other side of the world and get some black people we can abuse’?
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