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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Convincing myself of what? That I’m living in reality while you’re living a miserable existence in your mother’s basement? Don’t hurt yourself.
  2. Where we go again? It’s called reality dude. You should be used to dealing with it.
  3. Wait….you believe I’m an internet troll? Dude….get over yourself. I’m actually a successful person with a job. I’m sure you’ve heard of people like me. You know, the ones who make it possible for you to be a horse’s arse with your stupid little First World problems. Try saying ‘thank you’ once in awhile.
  4. First of all, I’m not in a cult. Second of all, I have nothing against gay people whatsoever. You REALLY don’t know me. You’re just a nasty hate filled internet troll.
  5. NOBODY cares what you do in your bedroom….in fact we don’t want to know. WAKE UP!!!!
  6. Are people stuck in a time warp from back in February? Having watched how the entirety of the free agent season and signings have gone down, knowing the needs of this team’s roster, and the depth of the 2022 draft class it’s REALLY hard to envision the first pick being anything other than a CB. (And then the SD State punter over the weekend…of course. 😉)
  7. The fact that certain posters on here continue their relentless obsession with a man who hasn’t been in office in a year and half, who holds no current office, who has no legislative authority, and who can’t be elected again for over two years (if he even chooses to) is proof of just how paranoid these nitwits are that he’ll indeed run again…and win. If you REALLY thought he was that big of a fool, would you spend every waking moment living in such total panic? Or would you instead be doing a victory lap spouting all the great things that by now would have surely come to pass under the expert steadying and veteran leadership of his successor? Hmmmm?
  8. Many people on here know that I’m an architect and I design major public projects….so yes I regularly tour stadiums. Just got a tour of SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles a few months ago. Everyone can debate the location and the design but let’s wait to see what they create before passing final judgment.
  9. Do you really think this moves the needle one bit? I’m pretty sure you can find both conservatives and liberals who believe in unicorns, and mermaids. Mr Filipkowski is a nitwit. (But he’s got that virtue signaling Ukrainian flag next to his name so he must be alright.)
  10. Invest in one? I own one! Ya gotta keep the employees on their toes. 😉😂
  11. Fair enough, but I’m still going to recommend we all wait to see what the stadium looks like. I’m pretty sure, as many have already said, that a downtown dome would’ve ended up a stripped version of what you see in your head. Just a big empty box of a building sitting off the edge of downtown bringing very little if any of the life and vitality you’ve got in your mind. I was in San Antonio last summer for a conference and there were thousands of people on the River Walk in the heart of the city all having a great time. A couple of blocks away sat the huge and looming Alamodome, empty and lifeless surrounded by an empty parking lot.
  12. I’d love to hear your definition of ‘right’. We haven’t even seen a rendering yet.
  13. I totally agree…but that’s not really been the case for the last few Bills taken in the 1st Round. I wish it was, but it hasn’t been.
  14. Please tell us what will work with you. We’ve tried everything…but you simply won’t go away. Is there a secret button?
  15. CNN has been bleeding viewers on their free service and some executive ‘genius’ thought this was the perfect time to ask those same four viewers to pay extra to watch the same crap they already weren’t watching for free? Brilliant!
  16. Why are you just watching? Put a Ukrainian flag in your front lawn! That’ll do it. 😉
  17. Oh crap! I REALLY wanted to pay money to hear what Dr Fauchi has to say about masks!
  18. Let me see if I understand. Our elected officials have OVER SPENT by over $30 TRILLION and they want to blame the taxpayers? Hey Congress! Push back from the blackjack table… you’re marker isn’t good here anymore!
  19. How sad. Remember those days well…and never knew he was from Clovis, a suburb of Fresno. I’m actually speaking at a conference in Clovis today and tomorrow. Go figure!
  20. Humans have no inherent need to be racist. They do however have an inherent need to survive and sustain themselves. Are you humans tribal? Yes. Are they then by definition racist? To a point maybe, but the tribalism is the driving criteria…not racism.
  21. The fact that you post a Rodney Dangerfield meme suggests you’re much older than the junior high like responses you typically author on here…..which makes your every day juvenile name calling even more curious. Grow up!
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