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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. So you can continue to pollute this message board with your blatantly racist nonsense?
  2. I mentioned that earlier as it was the only truly Bills related historic site that came to mind. Unfortunately, it’s only two short blocks south of the recent mass shooting at the Tops market, so it’s a bit somber these days.
  3. And you believe it matters what skin color is in the majority? This is the same line of thinking that infects and ultimately ruins everything in so many tribal nations. It really has to stop!
  4. I believe you’ll find that the yet-born already have arms…and legs…and everything else needed to make a human being. Done.
  5. The problem with BOTH parties is that their leadership is damn old. They long ago stopped worrying about what’s best for the taxpayers, and now can only focus on petty internal squabbles and committee seats. I’m getting ready to retire myself and I’m way younger than any of these clowns. We need an age limit…big time.
  6. Nice try ChiGoose The Party wants one thing…power. They couldn’t give a damn about their ‘supporters’ singing.
  7. Come on out! We past $6.00 like it was standing still here in good ‘ol California. What a mess!
  8. Nothing takes the fun out of a message board faster than a BillsTime thread.
  9. Can someone give me a heads up for when they start looting the local Best Buy again? I could use myself a new flat screen for my beachfront pad. The NFL season isn’t too far off ya know.
  10. And here we go with the name calling. It must be exhausting to be this mad all the time. Go back and learn how this country’s government is designed to work. I’ll wait.
  11. All that’s on display here is the utter failure of our public education system. It’s amazing how misinformed people (especially the young protesting people) are about how this country’s form of government is designed to work. It’s honestly too bad it’s summer break because this would be a perfect time for social studies teachers to drill into the topic. What’s it called?…a teachable moment!
  12. You’re still upset over those four long years of peace and prosperity? Yes…this is much better now.
  13. Just cancel it every year…say that you’re moving, and then restart it in a new name, as the new owner, with a free year of Sunday Ticket.
  14. The OP asks an interesting question but having been to dozens of NFL cities I cannot say that any of them have team related sights to see, other than the stadium itself. Something that I didn’t see mentioned here however is that you can still drive by the site of the old Rockpile. If I recall, it’s a sports park now but they did preserve the original stadium entry structures on the street corner.
  15. That’s an interesting thought. I wonder if they track gas consumption, per state, per person. I guess I could look it up…but I’ll need an eight year old for that. (Maybe one of our resident constitutional scholars can help.)
  16. FYI…your unevolved high brow disrespect is showing again…they’re called custodians now.
  17. Well don’t send them to California…. we’re already knee deep in homeless drug addicts and illegal aliens.
  18. Look, it’s our resident immature ass dropping in to say hi.
  19. Yes and no. It’s not just the price. It’s how far you drive. Here in California we drive a long long way to get everywhere.
  20. There’s literally nothing that Nancy Pelosi does that isn’t 100% purely political. Nothing.
  21. Keep your shirt on….geez, the rampant hyperbole on here is over the top
  22. I am actually a very reasonable person…but only to a point. So with all due respect, the Court is absolutely not supposed to give a rats twit about public opinion. That’s the express role of the legislative branch. I’m continually amazed as to how uninformed people are about how this country’s government is constructed. (No offense.)
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