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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. They’re stuck AFTER they build a stadium. We’ll just agree to disagree. Thanks for the well reasoned discussion.
  2. First, you have to accept that the NFL is not like a normal business. You cannot open a franchise anywhere you want. In essence the Owner is stuck in the City he/she has a team…or at least for as long as the City will support it, and even then the other owners have to approve a get off jail free card. It’s a unique synergistic relationship between the City/Region and the Team/Owner. The most recent example was the Chargers leaving San Diego when the voters rejected a stadium bond. Second, as I’ve said on here too many times to count, we can all debate who should help pay for the stadium…but…one thing is certain. The more people that cost is spread over, the cheaper ticket prices will be (and they’ll never be ‘cheap’ in the normal sense of the word). So….you can certainly dislike public funding. I’m not going to take that stance away from you. It’s a really valid one. But, there are only two alternatives: either the team leaves or the ticket prices go through the non existent roof…which ultimately ends up in the project not penciling out and again…the team leaves. That’s pretty much it. There’s no third choice where the Owners say: “ya know I really like those nutty Bills fans, I think I’ll buy them a new stadium…they deserve it”.
  3. Newsflash…those in favor of Trump were very concerned about the potential of corruption surrounding the 2020 election process.
  4. Perfect, then you should understand. I own a large company but I don’t gift my personal family funds to buy the buildings we occupy as some sort of gift to ‘my’ hundreds of employees, or customers….do you? The buildings are a cost of doing business, just like copy machines and paper clips. They are paid for through rent, which ultimately comes from the price we charge for our services.
  5. Correct....which is why Biden is now the president. And your point is what exactly?
  6. We can go around in circles on this forever but you REALLY don’t understand how a business works.
  7. Welcome to the present. We’ll wait while you scroll back through the first thousand posts.
  8. Respectfully….Wrong. Corporations should refrain from commenting on legislation that has nothing to do with their business product or services. Blurring the lines between the corporate and the governmental worlds is how Russia ends up with Oligarchs.
  9. This issue is NOT complicated. The minute a corporation starts taking public positions on legislation that has NOTHING to do with their central business purpose, they lose their their tax carve outs. Getting involved in this issue was a really stupid move by Disney management. If their employees want to make statements…fine…but NOT under the company’s official banner and logo.
  10. After two months….They must’ve decided it was a now a medium sized incursion…and we can’t have that!
  11. Sweet…I’ll just drive over for the game. No time off needed. 👍
  12. I’m guessing you’re somewhat correct. But the owner of any business doesn’t truly ‘pay’ for the building in the end. It’s passed along to their customers in the cost of the movie ticket, dinner bill, etc. The initial investment is ‘fronted’ by the Owner, but even that portion is typically leveraged over time by investors/banks, which the Owner then pays off over time. Is there another way?
  13. Newsflash…the Trump Administration had real concerns with how the election was handled.
  14. Huh? The Democrats control all of the levers of power. If you have Twitter inspired concern about the Trump family corruption, might I suggest you call Chuck or Nancy?
  15. Simple…I’d imagine the footprint of the current stadium will be converted into a parking lot since the new stadium will take up a portion of the existing parking. And I’m not sure how many explosions there’ll be. The lower bowl of course sits into the ground. So only the upper decks need to come down. I’m guessing it’ll be large jackhammers and wrecking balls, as opposed to explosives…but we’ll see.
  16. Shouldn’t President Biden be telling the world if this was the ‘small incursion’ he was referring to? It’s been a couple of months now. Does he know?
  17. I assume that a pretty contemporary design is coming. I know that many on here have pointed to the brick clad aesthetics of Seattle and Indianapolis as examples to emulate. It’ll be interesting to see which direction they go.
  18. I have to admit I just quickly scrolled through the post and analysis looking for which round each was projected and then chuckled when I didn’t see a single first rounder. Last night the NFL Network gang’s Final Mock had at least three of them going in the first. Experts apparently abound this time of year. I’ll go with Gunner.
  19. And now I’ll quote myself. Having just watched the latest Mock on ESPN a little bit ago…guess who they had the Bills taking in Round One. 😳
  20. Did you get that from a fortune cookie? It appears to be your “I surrender” go-to these days. And….brings literally nothing to the conversation.
  21. So with the country now clearly moving on from Covid 19 let’s go back just a few weeks ago in time for a bit now. What happened to the desperate need for EVERYONE to be vaccinated? What happened to the pandemic of the unvaccinated? What happened to the ‘cave man’ thinking? What happened to the kids? When did all the teachers die? Answer…..NONE OF THAT happened…and just as all sane people knew, the pandemic would run its natural course just like every other pandemic in human history, and all of Biden, Fauci, and the Left’s hate speech was never ever ever about SCIENCE! But now we’re all about Ukraine, so there’s that.
  22. I have no idea what you think that photo of President Trump shows, but you seem totally fixated on it. Care to elaborate?
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