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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Best thing I’ve read about this charade of a hearing yet….and quite possibly the most accurate.
  2. I see. And that was going to happen how exactly? Because Nancy was going to say “Well if Mike wants to delay it, I guess we have to!” ????
  3. So if I understand you correctly the master plan was to overturn the election, over throw the government and then hold onto power under the protection of an unarmed guy in a bear suit? If that was the plan then I agree with you…Trump’s a nutcase!
  4. All of that was covered in the court’s leaked opinion….try and catch up! 😉
  5. Can someone please change the title of this thread? Every time I read it, it reminds of "A priest and a rabbi walk into a bar...."
  6. Well thought out response. And that is the discussion we need to be having as a nation. Which is very much so different from the hyperbolic responses we've seen in the last few days from the 'choice' crowd....including sitting members of Congress, local politicians, etc. This is a very important discussion about where we are as a society, so let's have the discussion as a nation and stop the melt down.
  7. Thanks. That’s the REAL question. But….This is not about a right to privacy or autonomy over a woman’s body.
  8. This exactly why you need cross questioning in these hearings. The obvious question would be: Why would these guys describe it as real, real bad if they were going to get the result they planned, intended, or desired? Wouldn’t you describe it as “this is about to get good”?
  9. Geez people…the abortion debate is incredibly complex and yet simple at the same time. Reading these posts while the vast majority just scream past each other doesn’t do this topic it’s due consideration. At the core of this debate is the question of why we put any guide rails on society at all. I put it to you all that the vast majority of of our laws are there to keep us from causing harm to others. There are a few exceptions (and they tend to cause the biggest debate…like drug use, suicide, etc). In the case of abortion it all just comes down to whether you consider the developing infant an ‘other person’ or not. I see absolutely no reason to go down any other rabbit holes or call each other names.
  10. RIP Marlin the Magician I remember him well as a Bronco and a Bill but I have to admit that I absolutely didn’t recall him leading the Dolphins in receiving or even being on that undefeated ‘72 team.
  11. I agree….and besides they need a big room to house the Lombardi. 😳
  12. I’m pro life but have no problem if a company wants to expand its health insurance plan to reimburses employees for travel to receive covered procedures. I’m sure people travel for cancer treatment or to see specialists. However, the issue will be with the insurance carrier if it turns out a fraud has been perpetrated. Years ago my wife had her appendix rupture while we were on a cruise. The carrier asked some questions but ultimately paid for the procedure.
  13. Is that really the plural of masseuse? 😉
  14. To be honest…OJ made very little history at The Rockpile. His 2,000 yard record season came in 1973 after the Bills had moved to Rich Stadium.
  15. That is the entire point…the developing child is definitely NOT the woman’s body. It may be inside her but is clearly a distinct life that is also granted constitutional protection.
  16. Okie Dokie…have a nice day. Troll
  17. Dude….do you even know any gay ‘buddies’?
  18. And how does that make me hate gays? I also don’t want them to talking to little kids about straightness. You are an idiot!
  19. Billsy….not sure where the hate on gays thing comes from. I guarantee that I know way more gay people than you’ve ever thought about meeting…so keep your bigot crap to yourself.
  20. Very well thought out. Sounds like the hyperbole may be dying down enough to have an actual adult discussion that may result in some well crafted legislation that the American people may be allowed to vote on! 👍
  21. The resident idiot chimes in. You realize the issue is about due process…right?
  22. Did you go back and read the original post?
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