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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Nothing about this law says that teachers can’t be kind. Let’s stay on track here.
  2. I'll politely disagree. Teachers are not there to answer every question posed to them by students. Teachers are professionals and they know EXACTLY how to do this. They are actually trained how to deflect. They do not have all the answers to life's mysteries. They are not priests....they are teachers. There job is to deliver a state approved curriculum. Period!
  3. Do you not think that teachers have been asked awkward questions since the dawn of public education? Answer....yes they have. Spend a little time with kindergarten age kids and you'll get all sorts of awkward, and sometimes inappropriate questions. The law just reinforces the public's desire that the teacher not engage in these discussions, but instead refer to the student to the school administration, or even better yet suggest that the student talk to their parents. It's been the standard for decades. This same thing applies if the student is straight.
  4. The Florida law wasn’t written by teachers you nitwit. If anything it was written in opposition to teachers. Sheesh Put your rage away for a second.
  5. My favorite part of the Draft is seeing all these kids become instant millionaires after all the hard work they’ve put in. My least favorite part may be the selections themselves..especially when the Bills pick comes up and I often say “who”? 😂
  6. YOU called out the guy for being a teacher…not me….champ!
  7. Thanks. You won’t get any push back from me on Russian aggression. What’s more troubling to me is the tepid response from the ‘free world’. Putting a Ukrainian flag on a Twitter page is nice but what does it really accomplish? Enjoy the coffee…and your day. 👍
  8. As we finally have made it to Draft Day, I offer this analogy: the “Insurrection” reminds me of when the fans storm the field, or the court, and tear down the goal posts. There’s tons of security lining the field. There are even public address announcements telling the fans beforehand not to do it…but in the passion of the moment, they go for it! Caught up in the frenzy of the moment. The yellow jacketed security get overwhelmed and some even help people down onto the field so they don’t get hurt going over the wall. Then…when the fans finally do get on the field they stand around for a few minutes looking at each other saying “now what?” before peacefully leaving the stadium. Done! Is a committee formed? Is security protocol altered? Are people tossed in jail for months? Not generally.
  9. FYI: Being a ‘teacher’ is not synonymous with being a sexuality coach.
  10. Morning Tibs I’ve asked this before. Of everyone on here, you are far and away the most concerned about the invasion in Ukraine. I asked one time if you have family there. If so, I hope that they’re OK. If not so, I’m really curious as to what about this particular conflict had you so invested? It’s not the least bit controversial of a topic. NOBODY on here or pretty much anywhere is supporting the Russian side in this war. Are you simply frustrated with NATO’s response? I don’t get it.
  11. Bingo! People act as if all the arrests and incarcerations are happening in the Deep South. I’m going to ‘guess’ they aren’t. Laws are enforced locally! Our major cities are all deep deep deep blue! If there’s indeed a “systemic” problem then maybe those Left led cities need a change in leadership.
  12. No doubt that’s also true, but when it comes to America a whole lot of this is just keyboard propaganda looking to place the blame on Putin so they can take the bullseye off Biden. It’s not working.
  13. Thanks....and possibly correct. I wish I knew enough about coaching O Line strategy to say whether that's true or not. I've been of the mindset that having Josh Allen and the WRs was enough of a threat to keep defenses honest against the run game. It keeps them from stacking the box. What I've seen instead is a very weak blocking scheme in which the RB almost never has a hole on the INSIDE. You think it's speed. I don't. The difference you'll get from a 4.39 guy when you're only traveling from the hand-off to the hole is probably a millionth of a second. That cannot possibly make that much of a difference. (My two cents) Go Bills
  14. I'm hoping that the best thing that happened to the Bills running game this off-season will prove to have been bringing in new Line Coach. I really liked what I saw out of Singletary in the playoffs... in the passing game (which reminded me a lot of the old Thurman dump off days). I did not however see much if any improvement in the running game down the stretch. I'm therefore not convinced that if they improve in 2022 that it'll be because of Breece Hall. I'm thinking it'll be because the O Line scheming finally learned how to open some holes.
  15. Correction…there are a few folks in here that STILL believe Russia influenced the outcome of the 2016 election.
  16. Obviously you did….don’t make that mistake again. 😉
  17. Wait…CNN is blaming inflation on Putin? Go figure. Who saw that coming?
  18. I don’t honestly know how any of that software code stuff works but I find it downright amazing that Musk buys the sewer and magically the very next day the floodgates were opened on followers. I lose more and more respect for the Left every day. These people are so deeply invested in this woke religion they can’t see the damage they’re leaving in their wake.
  19. And it’s your opinion that this is a good thing right now given what’s going on in the world?
  20. In what way? Do you NOT think the Trump Administration had real concerns about how the election was handled? It’s your position that their concerns were totally fabricated out of thin air?
  21. While I’m no fan of Twitter, just from what I’ve seen on this site, I’m actually fascinated and disgusted by this particular follower phenomenon. What these statistics show is that inside Twitter (and I’m assuming inside the other social media sites too) the people at the control desk, with the touch of a button, have the ability to literally turn down the ‘volume’ on the number of people who can see certain information/posts from other posters. That should frighten everyone! WTF is going on here and who are these people? This has NOTHING to do with misinformation. This is pure censorship.
  22. It was actually on NFL Network. I realize sometimes they construct those just to make headlines but this particular one didn’t come off that way.
  23. I think he’s lobbying for Trump to be on the Supreme Court. Who’d have ever thought we’d see that?
  24. They’re stuck AFTER they build a stadium. We’ll just agree to disagree. Thanks for the well reasoned discussion.
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