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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Good rule for life....NEVER go on twitter. The end.
  2. And there it is! Finally Chi Goose admits to being an all-in Trump hater....as opposed to the outside, unbiased arbitrator of facts, and PPP's own Minister of Truth. Thanks for clearing it up. I shall read all of your future posts now thru the lenses of TDS colored glasses.
  3. Yes…but if the committee knew she was lying then the committee is all in contempt.
  4. If this turns out to be true, and counsel wasn’t there, I suggest that this entire Kangaroo Committee be held in contempt of Congress!
  5. Thanks for sharing this. It’s really quite true. But…the answer to this age old challenge is certainly not to snuff out the unborn before they are born. Doing that is the ultimate out of sight, out of mind.
  6. I think some of the problem is that most people have never been to Washington…even as tourists. The majority of Americans believe the President works at the Capitol. He doesn’t. In fact, he only goes there once a year, to make a speech. They simply don’t understand the three co-equal branches of government….and probably don’t understand the concept of co-equal. Our extraordinarily expensive public education system needs to spend a bit less time on grievance month and a whole lot more time on basic civics.
  7. Geez…exactly! Which is proof that Trump was not trying to stage a coup! Doesn’t anyone actually think anymore? What was he going to do from the steps of the Capitol….legislate another tax cut for the rich? I forever shocked at how little the American people know about how this freaking country works!
  8. Well now we’re getting somewhere! So this gal from the steno pool doesn’t think the actual President knows where the country is run from? That’s why when he was told they were going back to the White House, he instead wanted to go to some big building up the street? Sure…that sounds right.
  9. The really stupid part is that somehow the American people have been duped into believing that the country is run from the Capitol….which it’s not! The country is actually run from the White House.
  10. Sorry to break it to you but that’s already the case and has been since the beginning of the country. What you call politicians are more commonly called elected representatives. This is our system….and it generally works pretty well.
  11. Bravo! Extremely well said. This is entire clown show is a political farce staged for political gain….nothing more. Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where Mom and Pop set up a cobbler shop for forty years all under the guise of stealing Jerry’s sneakers. Yeah…this was a coup to take over a super power..exactly how again? Way past time to move on Adam Schiff! America’s exhausted from your long expired fifteen minutes of infamy.
  12. Which is why the Court said to take these debates up with the elected representatives. This should all be hashed out there, and then come back to the court if there are disputes.
  13. Short answer….yes, you’re good. Nobody is guilty of a crime because you think you know what they’re thinking. Our system doesn’t work that way no matter how much you seem desperate that it does.
  14. Unfortunately you’re wrong. Her testimony doesn’t show whether he wanted to be with the crowd to stop them or urge them on. Since the ONLY words we have from the President were to March peacefully….we have to assume he was intent on stopping the violence. The End
  15. Keep your sense of humor T Master. None of this is, or should be, anything more than banter on a message board. 👍
  16. You don’t watch the news much….do you? Yes, when asked, the President said OUT LOUD it would all depend on whether it was just a ‘small incursion’. That is 100% a green light.
  17. One that forever stands out was the 1973 opener. OJ cracks off 250 yards in New England and every fan everywhere knew something HUGE was about to happen.
  18. This isn’t complicated…Biden green lighted a small incursion. There’s no telling whether he saw this drawn out conflict coming, but he definitely did not make a move to stop it. Does it make it his fault? Of course not.
  19. You people crack me up with your ridiculous rabbit holes. So if I understand it correctly, this young lady testified that the President wanted to steer the car from the back seat? I’m pretty sure that’s not a crime. Note that she didn’t say that the President said anything even remotely close to anything about wanting to overturn the election, destroy ‘democracy’, or organize a coup. This is all such junior high garbage!
  20. I’m going to guess that you’re not god….correct?
  21. No to get all too wrapped up in a faith discussion here…but out of curiosity I wonder if you read the red letters in the New Testament, can you tell us what parts of it you deem the ‘crazy ****’ ?
  22. Well these ancillary questions are what they hope to distract you with so you aren’t forced to look at the gruesome heart of the matter. I said before it’s a really tough question. One that deserves serious societal debate. But this is not about privacy. If it was, then you could kill (including yourself), ingest anything, or rob, or rape anyone you want, so long as you do it in private.
  23. Good point…..I’m sure that’s pretty much what she’s thinking. Only history will tell. Unfortunately for me Liz represents the wrong arc of the Republican Party at this particular moment. She is if the Bush branch of the tree, beholden to the establishment. The Trump supporters represent the future…and it is NOT about Trump. It’s a populist movement that looks out for the working men and women of the country. Trump will be long gone, and a new voice will take up the cause.
  24. So I have slightly different take on all of this, and I know the Trump Haters will of course reject it: Let’s say you are actually still the President, which Trump was at the time, and you are told that the protest rally has gotten (or is getting out of hand). You want to go to the steps of the Capitol to calm the crowd and tell them to go home, but secret service won’t drive you there because they think you’ll be in danger yourself….what do you do? Last point, for those who know ANYTHING about how our government works….you’all are aware that the President’s office is NOT in the Capitol right? So what do any of these freaking out idiots think the President is actually going to do there? He’s going to run his coup from the building up the street instead of from the one where he actually works, and has an office?
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