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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Thanks. I remember very few players but I did recall watching him catch virtually every pass Purdue threw in a game last year. It was crazy…and I’m not even sure why I happened to see that game.
  2. I know very little about all of these college prospects but I noticed that not too long after our third round pick the Browns took David Bell, WR from Purdue. I watched a few of his games last year and that kid caught like a thousand passes (kidding). I forgot all about him during the run up to the draft. Anyone know what his downside was?
  3. Oh I see….there’s nothing short of WWIII? So in your view the rest of world is completely impotent? Yes…I’m sure you’re right. I do have to wonder why it took Putin until just now to figure that out. Give me a break!
  4. Equivalence? What are you prattling on about? If the free world didn’t want Putin to attack and pummel the crap out of Ukraine then the time to stop that mad man was BEFORE a single Russian tank crossed the border. Instead our world ‘leaders’ did …oh yeah…nothing.
  5. Honest answer: Get actual adults in the room to stop this kind of needless bloodshed and destruction BEFORE it gets started. This was NOT a sneak attack!
  6. Unbelievable! These people had an unarmed family member killed by a police officer and their concern is what exactly?
  7. Others are draining their beer fridge!
  8. The move that I thought was more interesting was the Chiefs (if I recall) moving up to get in front of Green Bay, and then the Packers took less than five seconds to make their pick. What was that about? I believe the Chiefs got rolled.
  9. Wait! What? I thought the entire point of a message board was so that people could claim it’s the end of the world. This is VERY disappointing.
  10. I only have two words for Daboll…Peter Man! Or was that one word? 😉
  11. Throw me the damn ball! Show me the money! And now… Put the playbook on the plane! Classic Go Bills
  12. Mess? What mess? Bernie clearly said that if we just got everyone up to $15 per hour that everything would be perfect! 😂😂😂
  13. Wait….you don’t think that a few people went there with an intent to cause a riot? You believe it was 100% spontaneous? Interesting
  14. Wait….you don’t believe that having two parents in the home who focus on their kid’s education DOESN’T result in better student performance?
  15. This must be well informed tweet…he has the ever present Ukrainian flag behind his head!
  16. Did I miss something? Where’s the SD State punter? 😉
  17. You know it’s interesting. I was wondering about that exact same thing when I watched the Alabama WR head to the podium last night. That kid wasn’t wearing a brace, and based on the video segment he’s already working out. Amazing how quickly they heal these days. I’m old….it takes forever to get over a paper cut!!
  18. Ha! Yes, true story, the architect wanted it to look like a barrel cactus. So it makes me chuckle every time I read on here someone who wants the Bills stadium to look like a chicken wing. I’m thinking a Beef on Weck sandwich would be way easier. 😂
  19. So our strategy is to weaken Russia AFTER they pummel a free, beautiful country into the dust? Yeah…that’ll show ‘em!
  20. I’d have to agree, and am very happy to hear that hint. The counter example of stadium architecture is Arizona, which was actually designed by a pretty famous architect. But not one with a portfolio of stadium design. The Cardinals stadium doesn’t give you any sense at all of what’s inside. It’s just a big foil cylinder sitting in a big parking lot. (The architect says it’s supposed to look like a barrel cactus…but I have no idea why that’s a good thing.)
  21. The silver lining better be that Elam starts from Day One. If you move up, and spend an additional mid round pick, to get a guy at a position of need, he better be able and ready to play.
  22. If he tells a saucy tale, he’s apparently thinking he’ll be the master of the house.
  23. My prediction came true. After all the hype around the draft when it came time for the Bills to pick they ran to the podium, threw a fourth round pink in the trash can on the way, and selected a kid who made me utter my annual…”who?”. This is not a criticism of OBD but more of me. It shows that I don’t have a clue. 😉
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