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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Kind of waste deep in the hysteria this morning….no?
  2. Wait…universal Pre-K is now a pro-life stance? 😂😂😂😂
  3. I’m curious what people think should happen to the two ‘journalists’ who broke this story. I’ve got to assume they are somehow connected to the legal world and may even be lawyers themselves. Should they have not understood the serious breach of trust that this leak represents and told the leaker to shred the document?
  4. Something like SIXTY MILLION American children have been killed by this ‘procedure’ and you’all are cackling on about what now?
  5. I predicted he wouldn’t make the Bills roster LAST year around this same time so I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised when I’d hear his name called for a sack or QB pressure. I was a year early but it’s definitely time to move on. Best of luck Mario!
  6. Funny.....my wife always says the same thing when a car chase is on TV here in Los Angeles. Pretty much everyone does. Again....not sure why any of this has your hair on fire. But you're free to buy all the lighter fluid you'd like.
  7. Why should I? I don’t live in Georgia. Did you read Florida’s?
  8. Considering your horrible track record of having the things you believe are happening actually happening, I'd suggest you keep from setting your hair on fire again today. Your scorched scalp can only take so much of this.
  9. Wait a minute! I thought I was the Minister of Truth! I’ve been speaking truths on here for years…and doing it for free, for heaven’s sake. Geeez
  10. So in your warped view of the world, the Chiefs should’ve sought an overtime rule change after they WON?
  11. And the point is what? You thought they changed the laws because they were bored?
  12. Everyone’s commented on a lot of stuff in that video but the thing I find funny is that they’re all sitting there in suits and ties. Feels more like it should be a shorts and T shirts kind of a LONG weekend to me! 😉
  13. The only important measure would be the points earned by correctly guessing that the Bills would select the SD State punter. Everything else is just noise. 😉
  14. Sounds like governmental retaliation to me. Isn’t that EXACTLY what they’re accusing Florida of with regard to Disney? Hmmm?
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