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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’m sorry, we’re not taking questions. Please call back later.
  2. She's always seemed nice enough when I've watched her....but how in the world is she LGBTQ? Isn't she actually ONE of those things? Is there are reason she wouldn't be described as one of them?
  3. That's correct Joe....she hardly ever called any reporters "a stupid son of B word" ....she left that to you!
  4. They must be worried about those crazy MAGA supporters....oh wait.
  5. Another super serious person who has dutifully changed her Twitter account to make sure we all know that she 'stands with Ukraine'. This has not one, but TWO Ukrainian flags. She must really, really stand with Ukraine.
  6. And actually back in that day it widely referred to biological men which is exactly why the documents have been amended to include women, blacks, etc. Again….not complicated!
  7. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. My gosh people! It all comes down to this. "We hold these TRUTHS to be self-evident!" Doesn't anyone know what that sentence means? How much simpler were they supposed to make it? Human beings have a Creator bestowed right to live. (Capital C on Creator!)
  8. Interesting use of quotation marks. You're clearly not ready to come to grips that it's a human being. Do you really not see that's EXACTLY what they thought about Africans? My gosh man! The answers are staring you in the face.
  9. So in your view....you can take someone's life because it makes you "happy"? Come on Tibs. You know full well what the issue's about. As a person who's shown great compassion for the concept of Liberty, another word for Freedom, when speaking about slavery, I find it puzzling that you wouldn't be the first one to also stand up for life.
  10. The woman is not at risk of losing her LIFE in most pregnancies. But...that's specifically why there's an exception for the woman's life in most, if not all, abortion prohibiting laws. Once again Tibs....not complicated.
  11. let’s recap…shall we? Unalienable rights: Life Liberty Pursuit of Happiness not all that complicated really
  12. Thanks for the clarification I guess we’ll see how it plays out
  13. Sorry for your loss. My mother also went to be with the Lord six years ago this past month. She never did get to see the Bills win the big one…but she’s up there cheering!
  14. So what exactly is the issue here?
  15. Only read the first page but I’m going with Gabriel Davis.
  16. Is this actually a thread. Someone started a thread and their initial post is “eek”. Really? Gesundheit!
  17. All good points. So when it comes a vote in your state please make sure you mention these things.
  18. She’s so desperate to have an abortion that she’s going to refrain from having sex for the right to have one? 😂😂😂
  19. All excellent points. So go ahead and make that argument at the State House wherever you live.
  20. I actually agree with you the election cycle dominance thing...but that's exactly why a left leaning clerk leaked it. My wife constantly reminds me that many people care very deeply about this issue. I'm not one of them. But....I am in favor of letting the States make their own laws. If the pro-life movement is indeed the minority that you claim, then just let the democratic process play itself out. This isn't about arrogance. The Court is contemplating correcting their own wrong. Isn't that the exact opposite of arrogance? As I've said in other posts....should the Court have said "what the heck, slavery's been around for years....we should probably let it stand."?
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