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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Not sure what you’re prattling on about now but every day you’re becoming a more ridiculous person.
  2. Heck no! Those are both white male centric criteria. We’ve got no time for that. We’ve got a country to transform….dammit!
  3. Good to know Will Mary Poppins head this new social engineering agency too? She’s the expert of the week, right?
  4. Maybe they’re trying to tell you something. 😳
  5. So your solution to the issue it to end the human race? Okie Dokie…seems a bit extreme, but you’re entitled to your opinion I guess. Both you and Joy Behar.
  6. I know my wife is prone to comment on literally everything I do. Does that count? 😂
  7. I’m guessing that you’re playing with yourself…again. But heck, everyone needs a hobby! Be careful. I hear you can go blind.
  8. I have absolutely no idea where you’re going there. A black man said that he doesn’t care about her skin color and that means what to you?
  9. Okay…this has to be shut down NOW!! Spreading rumors about politicians is no longer going to be allowed in America? Really? That’s pretty much all that politicians do!
  10. This cannot be possible! Liz and Bernie promised everything would be perfect once we forced Burger King to pay $15 per hour. Maybe this is what perfection looks like.
  11. Are you literally the most clueless person in America (or wherever you’re injecting your disinformation from)? Do you think Peppermint Patty is a term of endearment? I’ll use your standard ending now: IDIOT!
  12. We could have woman make laws for women but since the incoming Justice has no clue how to define one….women are SCREWED!
  13. AOC is smart? 😂😂😂😂😂
  14. Horrible! What’s next? An American president providing weapons, intelligence and authorizing the sinking of a Russian war ship in the middle of an ever escalating armed conflict?
  15. Southern California’s been pushing for a bullet train across the desert to Las Vegas for decades but they’ve refused to build one just to slow the weekend exodus of cash into Nevada casinos. So there’s that. 😉
  16. Didn’t read all the responses but I was halfway into the original post before I figured out they weren’t talking about putting Matt Barkley at RB. 😳
  17. Ha! Again, speaking strictly as an architect, I’m guessing there won’t be any poles obstructing your view of the field. (And if I recall the poles at the Rockpile came in when they expanded the sideline seating for the AFL. I don’t believe the original stadium had them.)
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