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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Yet another thread that didn't need to be started. The End
  2. So you're saying we're fighting a war against Russia?
  3. And the same can be said for the Baby’s health and life…but you already know and choose to ignore that inconvenient truth.
  4. Maybe, and maybe not. I’m pretty sure that there'll be dozens of challenges to the progress made by the Court’s recent correction. Were you thinking there wouldn’t be? Relax! Trust the process.
  5. And now you want to get into theology? There are medical practice laws in place for all sorts of things, such as assisted suicide, to make sure doctors aren’t just killing people under their care. The process will work itself out, through the legislative branch, where they’ll decide what unique statements need to be made surrounding abortion. Relax! Trust the process.
  6. I thought the same about my eight-track player, then my betamax tapes …’progress’ isn’t always all that it’s cracked up to be. 😉
  7. There are already medical practice laws in place to take care of such things. Keep your blouse on.
  8. It’s not a skirmish…it’s a “minor incursion”. And don’t you forget it! 😉
  9. Did you ever think that anyone could walk into a clinic and claim their life was in danger? Or that a planned parenthood center wouldn’t just start writing that in every record? No….that would never happen! Just like every death was suddenly from Covid for the last two years. Follow the money! You know… the line that Uncle Joe can’t remember. The part about all men being CREATED equal. That part!
  10. Not exactly. The underlying concept is that these rights don’t come from people; so neither people nor government can try to take them away. The were given to people by the Creator and will always find a way to rise to the surface.
  11. I literally guarantee you that is not what they’re discussing….but then again I’m sure someone with ‘pro-privacy’ in her Twitter handle has no agenda….not.
  12. That’s exactly how I read it too.
  13. Now that’s the Billsy we all know and love. I’m guessing you’re feeling better today. 👍
  14. As do I….but my comments still stand. Nobody wants this cabal looking into their sock drawer. Too many have been caught up as collateral damage in the quest to get Trump. I believe virtually nothing that gets leaked out of this kangaroo court. Why? Because I’ve seen the first couple of movies in this trilogy and they were both utter garbage.
  15. Just checked them …I’m good! 😂
  16. Is this actually a thing? I’ve never heard of it. I haven’t lived in WNY in a long time but I know it wasn’t a thing back in the day. Good for you’all!
  17. So you don’t believe the secret service has an HR Department? I’m pretty confident they do. And this entire threads because the modern equivalent of the Spanish Inquisition wants to look at their texts and emails. Let me ask you…would you want this clown committee looking at your emails and texts? Would you? I know I wouldn’t want my career ended all for the benefit of Adam’s insatiable wanderlust.
  18. Obviously….and you from your lofty perch don’t believe that’s happening. Come on man! Not even close to a major problem. Not even close.
  19. I’ll try and type this without being disrespectful…but…come on! The secret service has to be 100% right 100% of the time 24/7/365 and has been for over half a century protecting literally dozens of political figures both in office and afterwards. I’m sure the pressure is incredible. And I’m also sure they’re regularly approached to betray their oath more than occasionally. Do they have political views? You bet. Are some of them Patriot fans? Probably. But…they do an incredible and thankless job. I’m not going to go anywhere in the vicinity of trashing them. Not a chance! Biden just came back safely from some pretty dangerous territory. The least you could do is say “Thank You” to these brave truly public servants.
  20. Are you feeling any better today?
  21. Excuse me? Thanks for jumping into the middle of a conversation…not.
  22. Seems to me that Brady’s rings pretty much top all the other attributes. He didn’t buy them at a jewelry store.
  23. No offense….but what in the world does this have to do with anything? By that measure the Bills would have won four Super Bowls in a row. I’m pretty sure that the Chargers are pretty happy to be where they are. Have you ever even been to Oakland?
  24. Yikes! Good luck with that philosophy. Sandy Cortez says hi! (By the way , I worked my way from virtually nothing to run a very successful company…so from now on listen to me instead.😉)
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