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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. You know it’s interesting, but I watched a good portion of the Chiefs playoff game the other night o NFL Network and I’d forgotten that Gilliam was on the field whole lot of that game. I can’t say he really did all that much but I honestly don’t know that I remember him playing that day at all. Go figure.
  2. So if I understand this warped agenda….promising to uphold the oath that every member of Congress swears to when they take office is racist? Okay…if you say so?
  3. You clearly don’t watch FOX news. The thing they comment on the most regarding black people is about how big of a shame it is that they’re killing each other every single day, and that they keep voting for the same party decade after decade in hopes that something will change, but it never does.
  4. Tibs ….let’s go over this again, I’m guessing for the one millionth time. The people are not illegal….their immigration status is. Please try to pay attention in class. 😉
  5. Hey….I had to read thru a whole bunch of responses just to figure it out. Sort of a fun scavenger hunt. 😉
  6. Hey Mr Burgundy You'll soon learn that virtually nothing posted by BillStime is anything more than Twitter garbage. It’s his happy place. Relax….you’ll live longer. 😉
  7. The current president has a 26% approval rating and yet Billsy is STILL fighting the previous president. Hilarious!
  8. Don’t forget: We also don’t need another 2016….when Hilary spread dirt on Trump, thinking it locked her in as the guaranteed winner then spent four years claiming the election was stolen from her, all the while knowing she set the entire thing in motion, only to sit back and watch an impeachment based on her lies. It started everything in motion for 2020.
  9. Can we title threads with actual words and full names instead of slang and street talk? Sheeesh
  10. Nobody gets themselves elected. Too bad that just a little over half the American people are so freaking dumb that they fell the con job of a frail old man being able to run a super power and now we’re ALL stuck with him.
  11. That’s actually normal. My daughter got married there and the entire grooms side joined me at a bar that morning for the 7:00am kick off. It was a really great time! Loco Mocos all around.
  12. Does the new gal have to study up on Peppermint’s spin or does etiquette require she start with a fresh batch of lies?
  13. We’re honestly having a debate about whether it makes fiscal sense to borrow $40 BILLION from China to fight a proxy war in Ukraine? Can’t someone just call up China and ask THEM to buy the missiles? It’d save the mark up and interest payments. Unbelievable stupidity!
  14. It’s worse. This administration is chock full of completely incompetent, ridiculous people chosen for everything BUT their actual skill set, expertise, or resume. What in the world did anyone expect? This isn’t your local condominium HOA. These nitwits are attempting to run a world super power while literally faking it on the job day after day! Unbelievable.
  15. Aha! So you’re saying it’s EXACTLY like when Obama gutted the PPE stockroom. Thanks for clarifying that for us. Get to work Joe!!!
  16. There’s plenty of blame and fault to go around here. The defense contractors are private companies with tentacles that reach deep into both sides of the aisle in corrupt Washington. You can’t simply end a war in Afghanistan without there being consequences to an industry that’s been cashing in for two decades. So presto….a new war pops up out of nowhere…and go figure, more military hardware suddenly needs to be sold. Amazing how that works!
  17. Assuming that’s true: The Biden Administration is doing what about this, exactly? Or didn’t see this problem coming, because of why, exactly?
  18. Thanks for sharing. Sounds like an article that points to attacking the symptom instead of the disease. ...or maybe the effect instead of the cause.
  19. Does this Rachel person think she gets points for the number of symbols she puts on her Twitter feed. What a ridiculous person.
  20. Nonsense….we all know you’re inferior but we still treat you equally with everyone else on here. 😉
  21. You’re more than free to speak. Your comments are my daily break from reality. Keep them coming…..always good to know what new crisis to light my hair on fire over each morning! Maybe you could start posting a weekly forecast…just so I don’t reach a premature climax.
  22. Cupcake Sunshine Precious Idiots Isn't it time for you to get back to class? Or are is it recreation time in the ward?
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