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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. It isn’t complicated. Conservative leaning people want to see things stay as they are. Progressive leaning people are generally interested in seeing things change. It’s been the same for decades. What’s happening now (in my opinion) is that the progressives are getting into some areas that were historically not considered even up for debate and conservatives are saying ‘what now’? I’m sure the same debate raged over topics that our grandparents would’ve never thought possible. Roll with it.
  2. As you and I both know, money doesn’t correlate to happiness but Tibs is focused on poverty so I gave him the basic rules to live by if you don’t want to be poor in America. He doesn’t want to hear it. I’m sure it sounds like way too much work. 😉
  3. I give you the basic ‘how to’ list and you come back with this? People come to this country every single day from all over the world, and from every race, religion and creed, and in a state of abject ‘shirt on their back’ poverty. Some will succeed and others will not. Following ‘my’ llist has NOTHING to do with their past. It’s all about what they choose to do today, tomorrow, and every day going forward.
  4. People blaming other people for their lot in life has been going on since the Dawn of time. It’s not unique to blacks or to the United States. Learn to tune it out. Be the best person you can be, every single day. Go to church (or get solid moral instruction on a regular basis.) Do not do drugs. Study in school. Work really hard. Do not go into debt, and if you do, sacrifice almost everything for awhile to get out of it. Stay married if you choose to get married. Do not have children if you’re not prepared to raise them. It’s the tried and true recipe for success, no matter what color skin you happen to have.
  5. I listen to a lot of things. I also have two highly successful black business partners who say you’re full of crap!
  6. The more you keep tossing that word around the less impact it has. Racism was real and you’re hurting your cause by watering it down…but go ahead and diminish if it gives you some momentary pleasure.
  7. Is racism the cause of the weekly carnage in Chicago? Or the recent shooting in a Taiwanese church? Give it up with the racism crap!
  8. Triplets did not refer to the overall roster formula to win a super bowl. It was just a nickname for a diverse offense in its day. It had nothing to do with defensive side of the line of scrimmage.
  9. It’s an interesting thought for sure but I’d suggest that great teams have always had defensive stars along with offensive fire power. The recent evolution has been to replace the RB with a dominant TE and then employ running back by Committee.
  10. What’s being lost in all of this is the reason why Hillary was desperate to spread dirt on Trump. If she was the obvious heir apparent to the Presidency…why do it? Answer: She was scared to death that the wolves were getting close to her server money laundering scheme and needed a distraction to call them off the scent. It worked to a point but she lost the election and anything that was left of her ‘reputation’ with the Left.
  11. Hey! Every day I see adults driving all alone in their cars with masks over their faces and Bernie stickers pasted on their bumpers….so I lost interest in posted placards long ago! 😉
  12. She was thoroughly vetted. The problem was the Biden Administration used all the wrong criteria in their analysis.
  13. Fake News: They didn’t have CDs in the late 70s. We were still using record players. Even Joe Biden knows that! 😉
  14. We know exactly what he gave Putin. We all heard him in that hot microphone moment when he told Putin’s staff he’d “have more flexibility after the election”. Oh wait….that wasn’t Trump, was it? Unbelievable!
  15. So the blacks aren’t in poverty? Or the whites aren’t responsible? Which one?
  16. Come on Tibs. There’s no having a conversation if you just want to toss the racism card out there. You claim blacks are poor because of white people. So it’s your position that white people are actively preventing black people from making money?
  17. And you have a theory about why so many whites, Hispanics, and Asians live in poverty? Let’s hear it.
  18. Yes, the country would be so much better if the Democrats held the White House, Senate, and House of Representatives. Maybe, one day!
  19. “What the American people is going through”? We have to be kidding…right? Please tell me the Press Secretary for the President of the United States didn’t use such obviously incorrect grammar? Please?
  20. This single statement has set your reputation way, way back on this Board. I'm going to chalk it up to being an unartful, and lazy over generalization.
  21. Close to $6.50 out here in Southern California. We all need another national two weeks to bend the curve!
  22. Sheeesh….Trump wasn’t President for four weeks dude. If he was going to be responsible for the end of the world as your gang likes to suggest….exactly how much time did he need to do it? Five years? Is that what you figure? Give me a break.
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