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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I honestly couldn’t give a rats tail about Trump or any other specific politician. I just find it hilarious how he got into the head of these swamp creatures. It tells me he must have struck pretty darn close to the center of Washington corruption if they are willing to act like utter fools to take him out.
  2. And to quote you….and YOU get to be the one to decide for everyone else?
  3. I’m going to ask you one more time…are you a father? Or mother?
  4. I’m not the slightest bit uncomfortable. I’m loving this!
  5. A person may not approve of everything someone else does but that doesn’t mean you banish them from humanity. If that was the case you’d have been banished a long time ago.
  6. So the real question is if corporations are able to price gouge under Biden why did they wait until he took office to do it? Hmmmm?
  7. Maybe because they wanted the Select Committee to expose just how biased they are. And if so their plan is working brilliantly because the bias is on full display
  8. No….but neither does the court. Geez you’re insufferable. Thank you!!!
  9. Why is this so FREAKING hard? You do NOT have the right to kill to someone!!
  10. Excellent points I’m guessing they weren’t very good Governors.
  11. I’ve always found this to be an interesting topic. We don’t want or need. our President to be the smartest guy/gal in the country. What they do need is management experience. This is why Governors generally make functional Presidents whereas Senators do not.
  12. That is NOT the job of the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court is there to make distinctions about whether things are spelled out in the Constitution….not to create ‘rights’ that are not spelled out. So relax and let the process work itself out. If then the Legislative Branch appears to have stepped on people’s constitutional rights THEN the Court will be asked for an opinion. Our legislative process is not a democracy, but instead representative government…which is why they’re called Representatives.
  13. Answer: Both sides of the argument are partially correct.
  14. That’s the debate society is going to have….but what the court said is that it it’s not up to the judicial branch to make these decisions. That’s not what the court does! So, you petition your state legislature to make adjustments to your state’s laws. It’s how the process works.
  15. Thanks! What you’re doing with your reply is EXACTLY what our elected officials should be doing right now. It’s what we pay them to do. While this is an emotional issue for sure, and will almost certainly never please everyone, I’m confident that the legislature can craft a bill that will please well in excess of 90% of the voters. Everyone needs to give them some time and space to do their jobs!
  16. So in your version of the world…just kill the child? This is yet another example of why this is a complex issue that needs to be fully debated in the legislative branch. Trust the Process.
  17. You mean it’s nothing more than a publicly funded smear campaign intended to bloody up the DNCs opponent prior to the next election? No! Say it’s isn’t so. 😉
  18. I say he’s guilty of rape, and has no rights over the child’s life, either before or after the birth.
  19. Prosecutor: Will you swear that you saw the defendant with a gun? Witness (under oath): Yes, I definitely did! Defense: Did you see the defendant with a gun on the day of the murder? Witness (still under oath): No, on the day of the murder I wasn’t even in the country. 😳
  20. The key to our legal system is not that you testify under oath, but that you submit to a pointed cross examination.
  21. In five months you’re not going to be able find anyone who’s ever heard of Adam Kinzinger. So there’s that.
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