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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I just hope the new OC doesn't try a bunch of Daboll-like gimmicks such as not running the ball for an entire half, or vice versa. I hated his play calling. Always felt to me like he was just messing around up there.
  2. You do realize, those aren't that same thing.....right? Your response is like the old saying "I can't be out of money! I still have checks."
  3. Huh? I believe the principle at work here is that 'the market' doesn't like uncertainty, so when the Fed raises (or lowers) interest rates it makes it more clear for investors, and companies, to plan business strategies for the months ahead. Raising interest rates doesn't necessarily mean that companies' stocks are going to tank. The market's forecast the future for investors. It's not a report of past or present.
  4. Wait, what...."we" are at war? Since when?
  5. Maybe you guys can take a break from screaming at each other for a minute, but it's always been my understanding that the President does not have the authority to order up the National Guard. His authority extends only to making the Guard available for others (mayor, speaker, etc.) to utilize their services.
  6. When 90% of the American people believe the country is heading in the wrong direction I’d say we already have a “minority controlled government”. Mission accomplished!
  7. After the Bills win the super bowl will any of that really matter? Pigs will have learned to fly. Dogs and cats will be cohabitating. And hell will be frozen solid! Go Bills
  8. Please. I have family members with disabilities that would find this to be downright humiliating.
  9. Once again, without proper cross examination this is not lying. It’s just that witnesses are not being asked all of the questions. For example, when she says Trump wanted to go to the Capitol…maybe he did. But as far as I know she did NOT testify as to whether she knew that he may have wanted to go there to STOP, not cheer on, the riot.
  10. And that was BEFORE those stupid Patriots started pounding on our boys! 😂😂
  11. And just think…all of this is just to avoid asking Nancy about the huge security failure.
  12. The important words are ‘in the past’. Did you skip school the month when the rest of us all talked about this?
  13. Now do CNN and their many payouts. If you think this only runs one way…you are a fool!
  14. So when I guy gets in a fight at the next Bills game…we should look to see who funded the tour bus?
  15. The liberal dogma runs deep you in Goose. The Legislature will not to be writing laws to legislate 'rights'....especially rights you do NOT have. If the Court believed you had those rights, they wouldn't have given the opinion they just did. Instead the Legislature will be crafting medical practice laws. (That may not be the correct term, or even what they choose to call them, but I believe those sort of laws are well within their power/jurisdiction.) Once again, you do not have the right to kill a child, and neither does your doctor. The core of the legislative debate will be, and always has been, when does society believe that the yet born infant becomes a child....and you know it.
  16. I liked a lot more than just his ability to punch back. I liked most of his policies. But...to use the biblical analogy, I believe he played the role of John the Baptist, screaming in the wilderness and telling the people to repent. He isn't the Messiah.
  17. Goose, I’ve come to respect the depth and reasoning that you come to your opinions but no matter how many REALLY LONG entries you post they’re still just your opinions. Try and respect other people’s opinions. I think you’ll find it to be fun!
  18. Nice Goose. When you don’t get your way, start tossing out the asinine label. I’m willing to let the legislature give it a try. You apparently are not. It doesn’t make me an ass. It just makes me a guy with a different opinion. DEAL WITH IT.
  19. And we’re back to name calling and labeling, yet you refuse to own the common label of mother or father? You’ve already admitted that you’re not gay. Which is something I guess. Now, let’s try ‘parent’. Come on, you can do it. It’s Okay. You won’t be considered any more of the dbag label than you’ve worked so hard to earn. YOU CAN DO IT!
  20. Block me? Why so you can spread your non stop crap unchecked? Sounds like the very definition of a TROLL to me
  21. Wrong. First, let the legislature do its job. If cases arise from their legislative actions, then the court can rule, or the legislature can rewrite their legislation. Trust the Process.
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