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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. And is the commission looking into how they were able to breach the Capitol? No, they are not. That should tell you all you need to know.
  2. Yep! It’s way better than being whatever kind of nut you think you are. 😉 God is good!
  3. It’d be so much better if people attempted to overturn the results of an election the old fashioned way: make up false stories about a sitting President, circulate those stories to the media and FBI, and then hold an impeachment trial based on the narrative. 👍
  4. Yes….it’s the same false God that always replaces the real God…the God of self!
  5. He wants to safely return to the road? Hey Pete….if you’re alone in your car…I’m pretty sure it’s safe! What a total nitwit.
  6. What’s happening inside your brain are called feelings. Just because you think you feel like what you think a woman feels like doesn’t make you a woman.
  7. I’ll be right there! Hold my place in line. Of course it’ll cost me $52,587 in gas to to get there and back….but I love a bargain.
  8. Well don’t move her to California. It’s almost $7.00 per gallon out here. 😉
  9. And when exactly was THAT plan supposed to be carried out? Was it after the guy in the bear suit left the building? Come on! Enough already.
  10. Mystery solved….. Sheeesh….yes I’m sure you’re right. The master plan by the evil genius was to send a guy dressed like a bear into the rotunda so as to overthrow the government. Come on now. We ALL saw what happened. There’s real time video. Enough already.
  11. What is it that you’re looking to know? The event happened, people walked into the Capitol, and then ….went home. No?
  12. There’s ZERO chance this sort of liability would EVER hold up in court.
  13. Just more stupid legislation created by stupid legislators. Gun makers will just put a sign on the gun stating it is not supposed to be used to massacre humans….done. End of liability.
  14. Thanks…I’m definitely not a fan of the humidity but the infrastructure in Florida makes California look like a third world country. Hoping to have a dodged a bullet with the tropical storm. Flying out in the morning. Fingers crossed 🤞🏽
  15. You have to sprinkle in a little anarchy if you want to fundamentally transform a country.
  16. Dude….this isn’t complicated. YOU said the problem is angry men with access to guns. Does it really have to be this hard? Let me remind you. Now…what are men angry about?
  17. Another outstanding response from the guy who blames angry men but then refuses to even guess as to what they’re angry about. Nice job Tibs.
  18. Thanks…And in the spirit of grown up conversation, what would you suggest? For example…I have no objection to raising the age to purchase a firearm to 21.
  19. Thanks…and is the homicide weapon of choice an ‘assault rifle’? Mind you, I’m not a gun guy in the slightest. My questions are honest ones.
  20. This is the danger of States taking federal money to backfill their K12 school systems. It's been the plan all along. Get States dependent on federal funding for lunches, etc, and then start dictating the Education/Curriculum policies.
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