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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. He publicly threatened Supreme Court justices….didn’t they cover that in Michigan?
  2. He’s very much on edge lately. Lots of name calling and rage. I hope he’s okay. I’ve asked, but all you get as a response lately is more and more hate.
  3. You’re correct…the answer is no, the networks would never air them. And if people are willing to be truly honest, that fact alone should concern every American.
  4. Close…I never said they were pointless. But let me ask you: In less than 150 days, when the Republicans take back the majority in the House do you think the major networks will gift them many evenings of prime time coverage of the same hearings in which each gets less than 1/20th of the voters to watch ? I’m guessing not.
  5. The media applauding Uncle Joe for attending this sham of a Summit. Then we find out that MEXICO didn’t attend? And yet Trump was an ‘outsider’ who couldn’t get NATO to the table? To quote so many others…What a Mess!
  6. Ugh! Trump isn’t anti-NATO. He just wanted them to pay their required ‘taxes’. None of this is complicated!
  7. In a year from now you won’t be allowed to have a gas powered lawnmower. 😳
  8. Where’s the suspense here? At least with the impeachment trial, it was actually a trial with a prosecution and defense team…and could’ve resulted in the removal of the President (otherwise known as the political overturning of an election). What’s the result here? Some partisan congressional panel declares that Trump can’t run again in a couple of years? When gas is $8.00 per gallon ….who the frick cares!!!
  9. Can’t tell you how long I’ve waited to read something like this on here. This should be up for Post of the Year. GO BILLS!!!
  10. Germany is doing well because they stole artwork almost 3/4 of a century ago? I have to say….you may be right…but I’ve never heard that one.
  11. He blames MAGA people. Hey Joe…do you have any clue what that even stands for? What a buffoon.
  12. Creepy Uncle Joe out here on the left coast and in the span of a few minutes at the microphone he threatened company’s with actual assault, and then went on to blame every living person (other than his administration) for inflation. Hey Joe…you still want to be the person in charge? Not as easy as hiding out on some worthless, do nothing, senate committee, is it Joe? What a total failure!
  13. So it’s your position that violently storming the Capitol or White House is acceptable as long as your motivation is politically correct? Okie Dokie
  14. Huh? People who ‘allow burglaries of their homes’? Which people are those exactly?
  15. Translation: They told you a bedtime story that you really wanted to hear again.
  16. After scanning through the pages of responses it’s clear that last night’s latest impeachment trial clearly moved the needle……not.
  17. It’s called concern. Whether you like it or not we have a community of posters on here, and we can all read trending in each other’s posts. Again, hope you’re well.
  18. Keep smiling Tibs. You seem very uptight lately. I hope everything’s OK.
  19. Tucker Carlson’s on television every night of the week for an hour and you had to go back four years to find something he said that you believe he was wrong about? Alrighty then.
  20. You are correct....to see major change you have to change the Constitution. But, age/maturity is definitely a factor though, and it's easy to enforce. Age is not subjective (even if apparently gender now is). I'm willing to start with raising the age and I'm guessing the vast majority of the American people would agree with me. Instead, nothing is going to happen...and we should all be ashamed of that.
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