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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I’d say that’s about right. Remember, this has to be done in phases because they also have to demolish Rich Stadium and redevelop that land into a parking lot. It’ll all depend on what time of year they get started, but the fact that we’re already in mid August 2022 and we’ve yet to see any renderings tells me they need to step on it!
  2. Why would the Mayor of New York think it’s some sort of threat to send tourists to Texas? I hope they go to the Space Center, Alamo, and Six Flags while they’re there? The River Walk is kind of nice too. 😂
  3. Tibs, you’re clearly fascinated by war and the weapons of war. I’ve got to assume you spent years in the military, yes?
  4. How would he know? He wasn't even in the state of Florida. Have you been watching any of this?
  5. Goose...it appears you've finally dropped the impartial observer sham. Thanks for coming out of the closet. We all see you clearly now.
  6. Now THAT would have really been something!
  7. And you believe Justice is needed why exactly? For what charge? Mean tweets?
  8. So who was your most favorite Democrat running in the primary?
  9. Breaking news just released: Personal note from President Trump on the top of the stack inside one of the boxes. ”Tell the guy dressed like a water buffalo that we’ll never give up, never surrender.” The Big Guy
  10. Have you looked into the judge? I’m guessing not. Do you know where the FBI Director was last week? And now where he is this week? I’m guessing not. CNN won’t tell you any of this.
  11. Scrutinized by who….exactly? You’ve got to be kidding, right?
  12. Yes I’m sure you’re right. Trump himself rented a uhaul and backed it up to the Oval Office. He called me to help him move but I claimed to be busy. I hate it when people need help moving. Don’t you?
  13. You’re of course right. We lost so many school aged children to Covid 19. 😂😂😂😂. Oh wait….no we didn’t.
  14. Dude….you realize that Billsy has decided to dredge up every anti Trump thread he can find right? You just responded to a post of mine from over a year ago! WAKE UP!
  15. Goose….you said it in your very own response. It’s how things are ‘supposed to’ work. Calling Dr Freud!
  16. Same architectural firm as well.
  17. Brilliant! Wasn’t the question though.
  18. So you don’t think they broke into his house? Interesting.
  19. Ha! Now you want Trump to help the people who just broke into his house while he was out of town? Sure Goose…that’s probably what he’ll do!
  20. If the FBI thinks this makes sense….release the warrant to the public.
  21. I hear the raid was ‘mostly peaceful’…so there’s that.
  22. Translation: The Bills are ending up with a new modern stadium located out in the distant suburbs. Your seat will be covered, you’ll be able to surf the internet, and there’ll be more bathrooms. The end. (Quoting Seinfeld…”Not that there’s anything wrong with that.)
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