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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. Ugh! I didn’t say that Goose although you immediately assumed that I did….of course. The point is that the Trump team was clearly in discussions with the archives. That isn’t being disputed by anyone. He didn’t steal them and he wasn’t even hiding them. And he clearly didn’t sell them. This is a STUPID story.
  2. Yes I’m sure Don and Melania wore jeans and T shirts to the White House that day after stopping at Home Depot to get a rental truck, bubble wrap, and boxes! Doesn't ANYONE see how stupid this story is?
  3. Hey, it takes a lot of work to redistribute this much wealth and still keep a hefty share for the government class. These things take time dammit!
  4. You cannot tell me this isn’t political theater. The home is already under the protection of the Secret Service. What’s with all the fully armed FBI Agents? Who’s going to get into gunfight with these guys? Do they think there’s a Russian military unit hiding out in the storage unit? This really, really smells.
  5. Now read through your post slowly and see if you can understand how silly then this has to be. We’ll wait.
  6. Half the distance to the goal?
  7. I always like to step back from the hysteria, when I can. So we’re to believe that although neither the DOJ or Trump want to tell us what they were looking for, somehow a bunch of folks on a Buffalo Bills Message Board are certain that they know? The fact that that’s even a discussion should trouble people more than the search itself. Our international enemies and allies alike must be having a good belly laugh!
  8. Is it just me, or does this sound like the biggest set up in the history of set ups? Let me guess, conveniently taped to the inside of one of the box lids is the handwritten launch code for our entire nuclear arsenal.
  9. He’s got you all bothered again Tibs? What’s your hurry? They’ve got two years to knock him out….no?
  10. Where’s the part about knowing something about basic accounting? Or even knowing how to balance a checkbook? Or being able to turn on Turbo Tax? These are jobs to ensure adherence to the tax code? Reads more like a goon squad.
  11. Let’s hope it’s the secret as to how to build a nuclear power plant or were all going to be starving and freezing to death.
  12. If he shaves the mustache they’ll never find him.
  13. Stating that the government is persecuting you makes you a wannabe dictator? Really? How so? Come on Man!
  14. Goat Many on here know that I’m a practicing architect. I’ll guarantee you they have a timeline. It doesn’t mean they’re going to meet it. What most people think of artist’s renderings are actually done by the architects, and they really don’t take that long to prepare. What takes lots and lots of time are the blueprints (which aren’t called that anymore…they’re called construction drawings). When you fall behind on the those early renderings, it’s really hard to make up the time during the preparation of construction drawings. Now I’m not saying they’re behind but they’re definitely going to need to giddy up.
  15. Wait till we get the figures on the cost of that Labor Day BBQ! That should be a real whopper. Keep spinning Joe! It’s clear that you feel our pain….not!
  16. Trump is in New York. I’m pretty sure he won’t know what they took until he gets home…if even then. I just moved my own house. There are tons of boxes in my garage. When I start unpacking I’m almost certain it’ll be years before I figure out that one of them was missing, and all I have is a bunch of old crap that NOBODY wants. What do you think is written on the box? “Secret Incriminating Stuff”? You also know that the President doesn’t personally pack up his office, right? I doubt he even knows what’s in most of the boxes.
  17. Exactly….or as I put it: “I can’t see it from my house.”
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