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SoCal Deek

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Everything posted by SoCal Deek

  1. I can only hope he’s retiring so he has more time to work on his acting skills…he’s horrible at it.
  2. Actually those are words said by lawyers all the time. Actually those are words said by lawyers all the time. Actually those are words said by lawyers all the time.
  3. Canceled my local newspaper years ago. Believe me, you won’t miss it.
  4. English must not be your primary language: He didn’t say I just want to FALSIFY or CREATE eleven thousand… votes. You are an idiot.
  5. Page after page and not a single mention of….Zach Ertz? Wow, have times changed. PS: Gretzky
  6. OK....now I'm dying to find out....who's your guy, and how is he 'anyone's guy' if he wasn't on the ballot. Literally everyone with a pulse ran in the last Primary.
  7. Your guy’s in charge now…enjoy the ride!
  8. Like any good American I’m letting the process play itself out. That’s what you want me to do…right? Or would you prefer that I loot the Best Buy and burn down the Wendy’s ahead of time?
  9. My two cents: I think you over estimate the allegiance to Trump; the person. The vast vast majority of his supporters like what he stood for…which was shining a light on Washington’s political class, and returning the focus to the American working class.
  10. So you’re saying Uncle Joe can step down, because he apparently has no control over anything. We agree!
  11. You’ll notice I didn’t ask for a balanced budget requirement. I just want Washington to spend something close to the revenue they KNOW they’re taking in. Some years it’ll be more than what they take I and other years it’ll be less…just like every family does and every business does. There are no ‘services’ they have to provide. All of these are man made programs. It’s disgusting how easy it’s become for them to spend money we don’t have..and the bigger the deficit becomes, the worse it gets, as each new Congress says ‘what the heck, we’re already in debt’.
  12. Sorry for the late response…but since I currently pay approximately 50% of everything I make right back out in taxes , you believe the problem is that I’m not paying enough? It’s your position that if I only paid a bit more we wouldn’t be THIRTY TRILLION in debt? Really? Wouldn’t it be smarter for our elected officials to just budget what they already know is going to come into the treasury (or even something close to it)? It’s not like annual tax revenue is surprise to them. The country is being run into a ditch by children who simply can’t keep the nation’s credit card in their wallet!
  13. Thanks for sharing. I remember it well. It’s also interesting to note that up until the 1970 merger Pittsburgh was just a floundering NFL franchise not known for doing much of anything (unlike the Colts and Browns who saw lots of success throughout the 60s). Then, just a few seasons later the Steelers became an AFC dynasty and have remained a league super power to this day…almost fifty years later.
  14. Geez people. Keep your shirts on. There are 32 teams in the league. This ranking would list the Bills as having a couple of guys as the best on their own team. What’s the problem? I don’t think anyone sees the Bills strength as being the interior D Line….do you?
  15. You know, I look at this differently. The reason the officers let them in, and the reason only one overzealous officer fired his weapon, is because when they were up close and personal they realized this group was NOT out to ‘overthrow democracy’. After talking to them, seeing their lack of weapons, and understanding their general demeanor etc the officers discerned that the entire point of the day’s events was to tell their government that these voting citizens were ‘mad as hell and they weren’t going to take it anymore’….to quote Norman Beal. The entire rest of the narrative ( on both sides of the aisle) is the typical partisan spin. But that’s just my unemotional two cents.
  16. Once again we agree. (We generally do.) These nitwits all deserve a trial. Let’s get on with it.
  17. So prosecute him and the others sitting in a jail for months and months now. He has the right to a trial and a defense…no?
  18. As I said…okie dokie. “By force” ….I’m assuming that’s the guy in the bear suit taking selfies in the chamber?
  19. Postponing the recognition of electors is your definition of a coup? Okie Dokie
  20. You’re doing a great job. I’m only cautioning you against drawing the conclusions you’re so clearly desperate to make. Remember, we already know how this ended. Have a great weekend…seriously. And Happy Father’s Day if you are one or have one. 👍
  21. Let’s say that’s true. Wanting to do something that you know is illegal is not a crime. At least not yet anyway. The end.
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